Passenger cars

NEWAG S.A. con­ducts over­hauls and repa­irs of all pas­sen­ger car types: com­part­ment cars, open coach cars, sle­eping cars, dining cars, buf­fet cars and pas­sen­ger cars for people with impa­ired mobility.

More than 100 pas­sen­ger cars which have  left our com­pany after major over­hauls, now ena­ble pas­sen­gers to enjoy high-comfort tra­vel in PKP Inter­city tra­ins. We have long-term and suc­cess­ful expe­rience in moder­ni­za­tion of WR restau­rant cars, the 155A buf­fet cars, the 134A sle­eping cars and the 141A and Z2B typi­cal pas­sen­ger cars.  In Sep­tem­ber, 2013, PKP Inter­city was sup­plied with ten modern 168A pas­sen­ger cars manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A.

We  also  manu­fac­ture  rail car bogies allo­wing pas­sen­ger cars to tra­vel safely at a speed of 200 km/h. Our exten­sive expe­rience in the repair of pas­sen­ger coaches puts us among the leaders of this indu­stry in Poland.