

In 1869, the City Coun­cil of Nowy Sacz deci­des to send a dele­ga­tion to Vienna (with the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Tar­now) to recruit influ­en­tial poli­ti­cians – Fran­ci­szek Smolka and Julian Duna­jew­ski for the loca­tion of the rail­way thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

In 1873 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary’s Par­lia­ment deci­ded to build a rail­way Tar­nów — Lviv, length 145.7 km of route run­ning thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

1876 — for the newly-built railways,in Nowy Sacz a tech­ni­cal faci­lity iscre­ated cal­led Impe­rial — Royal Rail­way Work­shops — today NEWAG

Years 1880 — 1912 a gra­dual expan­sion of the Workshop.

During the First World War, work­shops have not been destroyed. They, rece­ived a new spe­cialty asso­cia­ted with the repair and manu­fac­ture of armo­red tra­ins for the Austro-Hungarian army.


1918 — The first refur­bi­shed loco­mo­tive in inde­pen­dent Poland was the 308 series steam engine.

1922 — the “Work­shop” is rena­medto the “First Class Nowy Sacz Main Work­shop”, which employed about 1,800 people. The com­pany was divi­ded into depart­ments: steam engine, wagon and mechanical.

1939 — anti­ci­pa­ting the events of Sep­tem­ber 1939, some per­son­nel were eva­cu­ated and work­shop equ­ip­ment to Stanislawow


1945 — cle­aring and resto­ra­tion of the work­shops and the launch of pro­duc­tion. 19 April 1945 was put into ope­ra­tion the first steam engine Ty2 series

1950 — Com­pany name chan­ged to the Polish State Rail­ways, Mecha­ni­cal Work­shop No. 3 in Nowy Sacz

1951 — Rena­med “Steam Engine — Wagon Repair Works No. 3 in Nowy Sącz”


1952 — The work­shop is trans­for­med into an inde­pen­dent enter­prise after sepa­ra­ting from the PKP struc­tu­res and obta­ins a new name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu”  - ZNTK, (Rol­ling Stock Repair Work­shops in Nowy Sacz)

1963 — reso­lu­tion of the Coun­cil of Mini­sters’ name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” are selec­ted for repair of die­sel rol­ling stock

1967 — “ZNTK Nowy Sacz” began repa­iring SM30 series locomotives

1972 — in June, a fare­well to the last repa­ired steam engine TKt48-166. In the same year the first SM42 loco­mo­tive was repaired

1976 – The 100th anni­ver­sary of the company