Electric locomotives

At NEWAG S.A. cutting-edge elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves GRIFFIN and DRAGON were created.

Rail­way trans­port cross Euro­pean coun­tries with their dif­fe­rent power sup­ply sys­tems may pose a serious and costly chal­lenge to car­riers. E4MSU Grif­fin, which belongs to a family of 4-axle elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves, is the first Polish mul­ti­sys­tem loco­mo­tive adap­ted to be used both with the 3kV direct cur­rent power sup­ply sys­tem, as used in Poland,  and with 15kV or 25kV alter­na­ting cur­rent power sup­ply sys­tems which are used in other Euro­pean coun­tries. Its inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity and mul­ti­sys­tem option makes this loco­mo­tive suita­ble for homo­lo­ga­tion in most Euro­pean countries.

DRAGON elec­tric loco­mo­tive is the first com­ple­tely Polish-designed loco­mo­tive pro­du­ced in Poland in the last 25 years, desti­ned to pull heavy fre­ight tra­ins. The mono-system DRAGON is the first trac­tion vehicle of a six axle loco­mo­tive plat­form which is adap­ted to the Euro­pean mar­ket. It is power­ful, safe, eco­no­mi­cal, fully-equipped and, most impor­tan­tly, very reliable.

After one year in ope­ra­tion, this loco­mo­tive reached an ave­rage relia­bi­lity ratio of 99.8%. Com­pe­ti­ti­vely pri­ced, both GRIFFIN and DRAGON loco­mo­ti­ves distin­gu­ish them­se­lves from other loco­mo­ti­ves offe­red on the Euro­pean market.