
Another Rail Bus for Koleje Mazowieckie

A new Die­sel Mul­ti­ple Unit in the livery of Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie will start ope­ra­ting on rail­way tracks in Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince. On 16.06.2015, a con­tract for the  deli­very of ano­ther two-car 222M train was signed by Adam Stru­zik, Mar­shal of Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince, Leszek Rusz­czyk, Deputy Mar­shal of Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

This modern, air-conditioned train is fully  adap­ted to the needs  of the disa­bled and  equ­ip­ped with a moni­to­ring sys­tem. It will be deli­ve­red in Decem­ber this year. Its seating capa­city will be 125 inc­lu­ding 6 fold-out seats and the stan­ding capa­city will be 140.

“Tra­vel­ling com­fort and safety are the expec­ta­tions which have become the prio­ri­ties for NEWAG S.A. The two-car Die­sel Mul­ti­ple Unit which will be han­ded over to Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie by the end of this year will have the latest tech­ni­cal solu­tions instal­led,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A. “It must be empha­si­zed that the train will meet four col­li­sion sce­na­rios, thus ensu­ring the highest safety stan­dards,” he added.

“The new rail buses  are good news for pas­sen­gers of Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie. Modern, air-conditioned tra­ins will improve the com­fort of tra­vel­ling as well as make servi­cing desti­na­tions smo­other and shor­ten the time of tra­vel,” said the Mar­shal, Adam Stru­zik.  “This is why we invest in new rol­ling stock for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie every year. By 2024, approx. PLN 2.7 bil­lion will have been spent by the local govern­ment and Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie on pur­cha­sing new rol­ling stock, moder­ni­zing the old one and enhan­cing the tech­ni­cal infrastructure.”

The train will service the route between  Tłuszcz – War­szawa – Cze­rem­cha. This is the second rail bus in the Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie fleet which has been manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. The first one has alre­ady been in ope­ra­tion for 18 months.

“I  have always empha­si­zed that the pur­chase of rail buses – smal­ler tra­ins dedi­ca­ted to pas­sen­gers who live in more remote areas of Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince where rail servi­ces are not so fre­qu­ent, is as impor­tant as the pur­chase of tra­ins servi­cing inner city and sub­ur­ban routes. We care for all our pas­sen­gers  because we believe that every type of pas­sen­ger is equ­ally impor­tant for us,” said  Cze­sław Sulima, mem­ber of the  Mana­ge­ment Board and Ope­ra­tions Direc­tor at Koleje Mazowieckie.

At the same time, a con­tract for the deli­very of  a one-car  DMU to be pro­du­ced  for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie by PESA S.A. was signed. The cost of pur­cha­sing both tra­ins will amo­unt to approx. PLN 19.3 mil­lion. The pur­chase will be finan­ced with the funds from the state bud­get rese­rve in the amo­unt of PLN 7.3 mil­lion, the Rail­way Fund amo­un­ting to PLN 7.9 mil­lion and the Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince bud­get in the amo­unt of PLN 4.1 million.

222M Diesel Multiple Unit