

The latest, two-section rail bus is a far cry from the rail mul­ti­ple units which domi­nate the rail transit in Poland. It offers a com­for­ta­ble, par­tially low-floor, func­tio­nal and fully air-conditioned inte­rior adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobility.

The modern, one-operator driver’s cab, equ­ip­ped with an ergo­no­mic con­trol panel and a com­for­ta­ble chair with an adju­sted footrest, has rece­ived very posi­tive reviews from train dri­vers. The cab is fit­ted with an inde­pen­dent driver’s exit, its inte­rior is air-conditioned and fit­ted with an effi­cient heating system.

This DMU com­plies with the Stage IIIB exhaust gas emis­sion stan­dards. Its pas­sen­ger capa­city  is approx. 270 pas­sen­gers.  It can tra­vel at a maxi­mum speed of 130 km/h.

Design solu­tions:

  • Two modern power sys­tems of 390kW each, fully com­pliant with Stage IIIB exhaust emis­sion stan­dard, and an auto­ma­tic hydro­dy­na­mic torque conver­ter with a retarder
  • Plug-sliding, elec­tric pas­sen­ger door of 1300mm width when open
  • Two-zone air-conditioning sys­tem of the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment and driver’s cab
  • Blow-air heating
  • Her­me­ti­cally sealed reten­tion tank toilet , com­pliant with TSI PRM
  • Elec­tro­nic con­trol and dia­gno­stic system
  • Modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion and moni­to­ring systems

As a manu­fac­tu­rer of rail vehic­les, NEWAG pays par­ti­cu­lar atten­tion to pas­sen­gers’ safety. The DMU has been desi­gned in com­pliance with the stan­dards and requ­ire­ments cur­ren­tly in force:

  • Cra­sh­wor­thi­ness design cate­gory – PII accor­ding to EN 12663
  • Vehicle’s pas­sive safety com­pliant with the EN 15227 stan­dard,
  • Meets all four design col­li­sion sce­na­rios C1
  • Train fur­ni­shings made of mate­rials com­pliant with the PN-K 02511 fire pro­tec­tion requirements
  • Vehicle equ­ip­ped with a fire alarm signalling

Driver’s work com­fort achie­ved due to:

  • Sepa­rate doors to driver’s cab on both sides of the train
  • Ergo­no­mic con­trol panel with modern equipment
  • Com­for­ta­ble seat with adju­sted footrest
  • Air-conditioning
  • Loc­ker for per­so­nal belon­gings and addi­tio­nal amenities
  • 230V elec­tric sockets
  • Effi­cient heating sys­tem with the leg area blow heating
  • Stepless-control LED ligh­ting of the con­trol panel and the cab
  • All win­dows fit­ted with sun blinds.

The first 222M– new-generation Die­sel Mul­ti­ple Unit was manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazowieckie.