
NEWAG to manufacture 20 new locos for PKP Intercity worth over PLN 367 million

PKP Inter­city signed a con­tract with NEWAG to pur­chase  20 new elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves. The con­tract gross value exce­eds PLN 367 mil­lion. The con­tract conc­lu­ded with the rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rer is an ele­ment of the big­gest inve­st­ment pro­gramme in the history of PKP Inter­city, valued at approx. PLN 7 billion.

Under the con­tract which was ente­red into by PKP Inter­city and NEWAG, PKP Inter­city will pur­chase 20 new elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves with an option for addi­tio­nal ten loco­mo­ti­ves. The gross value of the con­tract amo­unts to approx. PLN 367 mil­lion. If PKP Inter­city exer­ci­ses the option, then the gross value of the con­tract will exceed PLN 551 mil­lion. New locos will tra­vel with a speed of 160 km/h, thus ena­bling to effec­ti­vely use the moder­ni­sed rail­way lines.

“It is very good news that it is a Polish com­pany that is going to sup­ply new orders for PKP Inter­city. Col­la­bo­ra­tion with dome­stic com­pa­nies is bene­fi­cial for the deve­lop­ment of rail trans­port which is of vital impor­tance to our eco­nomy,” said Andrzej Adam­czyk, Mini­ster of Infrastructure.

The con­tract sti­pu­la­tes for NEWAG to imple­ment the order within 30 mon­ths. It will also be respon­si­ble for con­duc­ting main­te­nance inspec­tions of the locos at the second,  third and  forth level. After 60 mon­ths fol­lo­wing their accep­tance, the locos Level 4 over­hauls will be conducted.

“Pas­sen­gers expect com­for­ta­ble, punc­tual and safe rail­way servi­ces. We are very glad that PKP Inter­city is con­stan­tly stri­ving to meet these expec­ta­tions by inten­sive inve­st­ment in new rol­ling stock, among other. This is con­fir­med by incre­asin­gly bet­ter per­for­mance results of our natio­nal car­rier which means that more and more people are tra­vel­ling on PKP Inter­city tra­ins,” stres­sed Andrzej Bit­tel, Under­se­cre­tary of State at the Mini­stry of Infrastructure.

PKP Inter­city – Big Inve­st­ment Rail­way Operator

“We have con­si­sten­tly been imple­men­ting the rol­ling stock stra­tegy within which we are going to invest more than PLN 7 bil­lion in impro­ving rail tra­vel stan­dards. The con­tract signed today is ano­ther ele­ment of this stra­tegy,” added Marek Chra­niuk, Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board of PKP Intercity.

PKP Inter­city is  cur­ren­tly imple­men­ting the big­gest inve­st­ment pro­ject in the com­pany history cal­led “PKP Inter­city – Big Inve­st­ment Rail­way Ope­ra­tor” whose goal among other, is to pur­chase and moder­nise rol­ling stock and fur­ther improve com­fort of tra­vel­ling. By 2023, PKP Inter­city will have spent approx. PLN 7 bil­lion on pur­cha­sing new car­ria­ges and loco­mo­ti­ves and  moder­ni­sing the exi­sting rol­ling stock as well as on train depot stations.

The new loco­mo­ti­ves will be used to service routes across Poland including:

  • Prze­myśl – Lublin – War­szawa – Byd­goszcz – Gdynia/Piła – Kołobrzeg/Gorzów Wielkopolski
  • Suwałki – Białystok/Lublin – War­szawa – Poznań – Szczecin/Gorzów Wielkopolski/Zielona Góra.

“Grif­fin loco­mo­ti­ves which will be sup­plied under the con­tract will be the next ver­sion of the loco­mo­ti­ves cur­ren­tly used by PKP Inter­city. They will be the most cutting-edge elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves in Poland. The Grif­fin locos alre­ady used by PKP IC have cove­red the distance of 80 tho­usand kilo­me­tres each in two mon­ths. The expe­rience gained during their ope­ra­tion will be use­ful in desi­gning the new Grif­fins. The tech­ni­cal solu­tions imple­men­ted in the offe­red locos will ena­ble to pro­vide a high level of relia­bi­lity and safety,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board of NEWAG S.A.