
Freightliner PL orders Dragons from Newag

Appro­xi­ma­tely  PLN 75 mil­lion –this will be the cost of five elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves orde­red by the dyna­mi­cally deve­lo­ping rail logi­stics com­pany to service its incre­asing fre­ight volu­mes.

“This trans­ac­tion pro­ves that Fre­igh­tli­ner Group sees a high growth poten­tial in the rail­way mar­ket in Poland. This is yet ano­ther multi-million inve­st­ment mat­ching our motto ‘Relia­bi­lity as stan­dard’ – which means sup­ply­ing our custo­mers with effec­tive logi­stic solu­tions while main­ta­ining the highest focus on quality and safety. We are fully convin­ced it is the right cho­ice to invest in the rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­red by the Polish pro­du­cer with long tra­di­tions which is able to deli­ver world-class pro­ducts. We believe that the pro­cess of incre­asing moder­ni­sa­tion of the Polish rail­way network will be coupled with an incre­asing role of modern and inno­va­tive rol­ling stock,” sta­ted Kon­stan­tin Sko­rik, Pre­si­dent of the Board of Fre­igh­tli­ner PL.

The Dra­gon loco­mo­ti­ves orde­red by Fre­igh­tli­ner PL are six-axle loco­mo­ti­ves of 5MW power, adap­ted to pul­ling heavy fre­ight tra­ins exce­eding 4 tho­usand ton­nes. They will be equ­ip­ped with the Dual Power module — an addi­tio­nal die­sel engine of 520kW in power ena­bling to service custo­mers also on non-electrified end lines, and at sidings without a need for shun­ting loco­mo­ti­ves (the so-called ‘last mile’).

“Dra­gons are power­ful, safe, attractively-priced loco­mo­ti­ves, eco­no­mi­cal in ope­ra­tion, gene­ro­usly equ­ip­ped and, most of all, highly relia­ble. The­re­fore, they will per­fec­tly com­ple­ment our exi­sting rol­ling stock,” said Woj­ciech Jur­kie­wicz, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Fre­igh­tli­ner PL.

The rail fre­ight ope­ra­tor will rece­ive the first three loco­mo­ti­ves in May 2016 and the rema­ining two by the end of July 2016.

Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, Pre­si­dent of the Board of NEWAG Gli­wice S.A empha­si­sed that the signed con­tract con­sti­tu­ted ano­ther step in laun­ching NEWAG’s loco­mo­ti­ves in Western mar­kets. “The fact that Fre­igh­tli­ner Group, a leading  inde­pen­dent Euro­pean rail ope­ra­tor have come to rely on our pro­duct pro­ves that our deve­lop­ment stra­tegy has been right,” he added.

The net con­tract value is EUR 17.5 mil­lion. The trans­ac­tion will be finan­ced by ING Lease (Poland).