
TRAKO 2015

Ano­ther TRAKO — Inter­na­tio­nal Rail­way Fair came to an end. During the fair, NEWAG S.A. pre­sen­ted its “record hol­der” — the IMPULS 45WE train which on 29 August, 2015 broke the speed record tra­vel­ling at 226 km/h as well as its DRAGON loco­mo­tive, highly pra­ised by the car­rier, which has reached a very high relia­bi­lity rate of 99.6%.

During TRAKO fair, the Stadler-Newag Con­sor­tium han­ded over one out of 20 FLIRT 3 EMUs manu­fac­tu­red under the con­tract with PKP IC. The offi­cial handing-over cere­mony was atten­ded by Mini­ster Maria Wasiak.

On Fri­day, we were visi­ted by a big group of young train lovers. Keeping our pro­mise, we have publi­shed pho­to­gra­phs taken on that day.

We would like to thank eve­ry­one for their inte­rest shown in our com­pany during this year’s edi­tion of TRAKO!