
The first rail bus of this kind

On Decem­ber 4, 2013, NEWAG S.A. han­ded over to Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie the first new gene­ra­tion die­sel mul­ti­ple unit– DMU (222M). It is the first rail bus of this series manu­fac­tu­red in the Nowy Sącz plant  and the first NEWAG-manufactured rail bus for Koleje Mazowieckie.

At 9.00 am sharp, the Nowy Sacz-manufactutred train arri­ved at War­szawa Wschod­nia train sta­tion. The sym­bo­lic rib­bon was cut by Adam Stru­zik – Mar­shal of Mazo­wiec­kie Pro­vince, Cze­sław Sulima – Board mem­ber of Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie and  Wal­de­mar Kuliń­ski – Cha­ir­man of the Super­vi­sory Board of Koleje Mazowieckie.

I am glad that Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie are deve­lo­ping all the time. The next rail bus con­sti­tu­tes an ele­ment of the moder­ni­sa­tion pro­cess of the company’s rol­ling stock,said Adam Stru­zik.  We are inve­sting in the future, we are inve­sting in rail­way con­nec­tions, he added.

The new, enhan­ced two-unit rail bus is a far cry from the old-type DMUs which domi­nate rail­way transit in Poland. It featu­res com­for­ta­ble, func­tio­nal and fully air-conditioned inte­rior acces­si­ble to pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity. The 222M  is par­tly low-floor, which faci­li­ta­tes boar­ding for the disa­bled and parents with children.

The modern, one-operator driver’s cab rece­ived very posi­tive reviews from train dri­vers during the tests. It was con­si­de­red the most ergo­no­mi­cally desi­gned driver’s cab in Poland. The cab has a sepa­rate emer­gency exit for the dri­ver and the air-conditioning sys­tem with addi­tio­nal heating for the leg area.

The die­sel mul­ti­ple unit is com­pliant  with the Stage IIIB exhaust-gas emis­sion stan­dards. Its total capa­city is approx.  260 pas­sen­gers inc­lu­ding 117 seats and approx. 140 stan­ding pla­ces. It can tra­vel with the maxi­mum speed of 130 km/h.

– We are glad that  NEWAG S.A. could manu­fac­ture and sup­ply the 222M die­sel mul­ti­ple unit for the first time to  Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie. We believe that the tech­ni­cal solu­tions imple­men­ted will ensure opti­mum com­fort to all pas­sen­gers, said  Józef Micha­lik, Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger of NEWAG S.A.  The vehicle we are han­ding over today is com­pliant with all the crash-test sce­na­rios. As a result, it guaran­tees the highest pas­sen­ger safety, added Michalik.

The new DMU will ope­rate on the Tłuszcz – War­szawa Wschod­nia – Sie­dlce – Cze­rem­cha route. It  will be put  in ope­ra­tion this year on Decem­ber 14.