
The first IMPULS in Lubuskie Province

Today, IMPULS, the first elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit for  Lubu­skie Pro­vince manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG ini­tia­ted a regu­lar service on the route from Zie­lona Góra – Poznań Cen­tral Station.

On Fri­day, Octo­ber 31, 2014, the region’s autho­ri­ties pre­sen­ted the latest and the most modern train ope­ra­ting in the Province.

“ I know that train dri­vers lite­rally fight to be able to drive these tra­ins. They are very safe and have a lot of capa­bi­li­ties. They can tra­vel with a maxi­mum speed of 160km per hour,” pra­ised Bog­dan Nowak, Mar­shal of Lubu­skie Province.

The train cost PLN 21.4 mil­lion out of which nearly 12.2 mil­lion came from the Euro­pean Union funds. The train was pur­cha­sed under the con­tract signed with the Western Pro­cu­re­ment Group (com­pri­sing Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie and Lubu­skie Pro­vin­ces) within the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme, toge­ther with  Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Province.

The total pro­ject com­pri­ses the pur­chase of 14 IMPULS tra­ins, two of which will go to Lubu­skie Pro­vince. The other EMU for Lubu­skie will be deli­ve­red in the first quar­ter of next year.

IMPULS tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG are one of the most modern tra­ins in Poland. The sound-insulated, air-conditioned inte­rior, com­for­ta­ble seats, Internet access and elec­tric soc­kets ensure pas­sen­gers’ com­fort while tra­vel­ling. The low floor faci­li­ta­tes boar­ding and de-boarding also for pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity and there are spe­cial desi­gna­ted spa­ces for pas­sen­gers on whe­el­cha­irs. IMPULS tra­ins are eco­no­mi­cal and safe: they are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by low energy con­sump­tion due to the fact that while the train is bra­king, some of the elec­tric energy is reco­ve­red to the over­head line. The train is equ­ip­ped with a modern audio-visual pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem, an inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem as well as an inter­com — the dri­ver– pas­sen­ger com­mu­ni­ca­tion sys­tem. The train meets strict Euro­pean cra­sh­wor­thi­ness and col­li­sion standards.