
Stadler-Newag Consortium is assembling the first train in Siedlce

The con­sor­tium Sta­dler Pol­ska Sp. z o.o. with NEWAG S.A. is manu­fac­tu­ring twenty modern elec­tric mul­ti­ple units for PKP Inter­city. The con­tract, apart from the sup­ply of the tra­ins, inc­lu­des their main­te­nance for the next 15 years.

Work on the assem­bling of the first train and equ­ip­ping  its inte­rior is alre­ady in full swing at the manu­fac­tu­ring plant in Siedlce. The next stage will be the train com­mis­sio­ning and testing by the Sta­dler Pol­ska Sp. z o.o. — NEWAG S.A. Con­sor­tium inc­lu­ding con­duc­ting sta­tic and dyna­mic tests as well as tests requ­ired for the train to obtain the license for operation.

The rema­ining tra­ins will be pro­du­ced at both the Sta­dler Polska’s  fac­tory in Sie­dlce and at NEWAG’s plant in Nowy Sacz. The outer units will be assem­bled in Sie­dlce while NEWAG will be respon­si­ble for assem­bling and equ­ip­ping the mid­dle units.

The com­fort of tra­vel­ling, in par­ti­cu­lar on long distan­ces, will be enhan­ced due to tra­ins’ high quality inte­riors. Pas­sen­gers will be able to cho­ose between the first- and second-class car­ria­ges and there will also be a sepa­rate bar lounge. Tra­ins will be air-conditioned and equ­ip­ped with a modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem. They will also be adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobility.

PKP Inter­city liked so much the  inte­rior design of the train, which was pre­sen­ted by the Con­sor­tium, that its ele­ments will be used in other tra­ins orde­red by PKP ICC such as DARTs, manu­fac­tu­red by PESA from Bydgoszcz.

The new tra­ins will service pas­sen­ger routes between War­szawa — Byd­goszcz, Olsz­tyn — Kra­ków (via War­szawa and Kielce), Gdy­nia — Kato­wice (via Łódź  and Byd­goszcz) and Kra­ków — Szcze­cin (via Łódź, Kutno and Poznań).

The tra­ins will be han­ded over to PKP ICC in Octo­ber next year. They will tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/h.