
Prodesse in posterum, or a future advantage. NEWAG grants scholarships to best students

Today NEWAG is stri­ving to deve­lop stu­dents’ com­pe­ten­ces in order to employ the best gra­du­ates in the future.

Stu­dents of Poli­tech­nika Kra­kow­ska [Cra­cow Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy]: Elż­bieta Bołoz, Nata­lia Grzyb, Marek Kali­now­ski and Daniel Sta­tucki are the first to rece­ive scho­lar­ships fun­ded by NEWAG. The scho­lar­ships amo­un­ting to PLN 1100 mon­thly are offe­red by NEWAG IP Mana­ge­ment, a dau­gh­ter com­pany of NEWAG Group in order to sup­port the most talen­ted and com­mit­ted stu­dents majo­ring in Mana­ge­ment and Pro­duc­tion Engi­ne­ering, spe­cia­li­sa­tion: Engi­ne­ering of Mass Trans­port Means. The scho­lar­ship is gran­ted for one seme­ster but can be exten­ded if stu­dents com­plete their indu­stry pla­ce­ment ear­lier and if their GPA per seme­ster is at least 4.5.

The first scho­lar­ships were offi­cially gran­ted to the stu­dents of the Cra­cow Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy on 14 March 2017 at the NEWAG Design Office loca­ted in Cra­cow at Kli­mec­kiego street. The young people will hold their semester-long indu­stry pla­ce­ment there or at NEWAG’s headqu­ar­ters in Nowy Sącz during which they will per­form desi­gna­ted tasks while being moni­to­red by their super­vi­sors. These tasks will mainly inc­lude design and deve­lop­ment of tech­ni­cal docu­men­ta­tion for rail vehic­les and manu­fac­tu­ring of rail vehic­les. This is in the lat­ter field where the stu­dents will build new skills and pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­ten­cies which will in future result in get­ting a good job with the leading com­pany. Com­pe­tence deve­lop­ment and mana­ge­ment are main goals of NEWAG IP Mana­ge­ment sp. z o.o. which was foun­ded in 2014. The scho­lar­ship pro­gramme cal­led “Pro­desse in poste­rum” looks into the future and offers the most talen­ted stu­dents of Cra­cow Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy an oppor­tu­nity for per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal development.

The offi­cial cere­mony of gran­ting the scho­lar­ships held on 14March was atten­ded by Józef Micha­lik, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG IP, Grze­gorz Zając, Ph.D., acting Head of the Insti­tute of Rail Vehic­les and Maciej Górow­ski – Head of Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment Depart­ment at NEWAG, who is also a coor­di­na­tor of the scho­lar­ship pro­gramme. The pro­gramme will be con­ti­nued at the begin­ning of 2017/2018 aca­de­mic year.