
Prime Ewa Kopacz at NEWAG’s factory in Nowy Sącz

We owe great respect to those who cre­ate jobs in Poland. “ I am proud of Polish com­pa­nies which manu­fac­ture inno­va­tive pro­ducts meeting Euro­pean stan­dards,” empha­si­zed Prime Mini­ster Ewa Kopacz during her visit at NEWAG S.A. – a rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rer from Nowy Sącz.

Prime Mini­ster  Ewa Kopacz noted that NEWAG is one of the oldest rail­way com­pa­nies in Poland. The com­pany has a great future, also due to its  ope­ning to Euro­pean mar­kets, said Mrs Kopacz. Fac­to­ries like NEWAG are buil­ding Polish eco­nomy. Thanks to such com­pa­nies Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince has rece­ived a pre­sti­gious title of the Euro­pean Entre­pre­neu­rial Region 2016, she added.

Prime Mini­ster Ewa Kopacz had a clo­ser look at the train which is being manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie and on her way to a press brie­fing, she mana­ged to chat with pro­duc­tion wor­kers. Mrs Ewa Kopacz gave her pra­ises to NEWAG. This is  the com­pany which has exi­sted for 140 years. As the first Polish rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rer, it obta­ined all  TSI cer­ti­fi­ca­tes ensu­ring that  tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG meet all strin­gent EU stan­dards. Newag’s manu­fac­tu­red train also holds the speed record  (211 km/h) and its tra­ins reach the European-level relia­bi­lity ratio exce­eding 99%.

“The com­pany may be proud of its very dyna­mic growth in the last few years and its fur­ther plans toge­ther with the finan­cial sta­te­ment inspire a lot of opti­mism. This  com­pany has a great future as far as cre­ating new work­pla­ces is con­cer­ned. Now it employs approx. 2000 people,” said Prime Mini­ster Ewa Kopacz and con­gra­tu­la­ted Pre­si­dent Konie­czek and all employ­ees of NEWAG S.A