
Paweł Górka, sponsored by NEWAG S.A., sets off on a Hungarian contest

For­mer motor­cycle Vice Cham­pion of Poland is going to par­ti­ci­pate in the second round of the Polish cham­pion­ship com­bi­ned with the Euro­pean Alpe Adria Cham­pion­ship series. Paweł Górka is coun­ting on his fur­ther suc­cess in the pre­sti­gious Super­bike cate­gory on the Hun­ga­rian Pannonia-Ring racing track.

The thirty-eight year old resi­dent of Nowy Sącz, the Super­stock 1000 Vice Cham­pion of the 2013 season, has moved to the most pre­sti­gious Super­bike cate­gory in which he came fourth twice, just off the podium in the first races held at the Poznań track in early May this year.

This week­end, Polish motor­cycle riders are facing the second racing week­end of this 2015 season, com­bi­ned with the con­test of the Alpe Adria Euro­pean Cham­pion­ship. As many as forty-four con­te­stants, inc­lu­ding twe­lve from Poland, have regi­ste­red for the com­pe­ti­tion on the Hun­ga­rian Pannonia-Ring track.

This year, Paweł Górka will par­ti­ci­pate in the full cycle of both WMMP and Alpe Adria series, repre­sen­ting the livery of a leading Czech team– BMW Motor­rad Czech Repu­blic. Paweł Górka is riding his tested motor­bike BMW S1000RR of approx. 200 horse power and his goal is to strive for top posi­tions, both in Poland and abroad.

“I’ve been try­ing to com­pete in the stron­gest Super­bike cate­gory for some time now. It became possi­ble this year thanks to star­ting coope­ra­tion with the offi­cial Czech BMW team. For the first time in my career I’m a part of a pro­fes­sio­nal team which takes care of pre­pa­ra­tion of the motor­cycle. I would like to use this situ­ation and fight for top posi­tions, both in the Polish Cham­pion­ships and in Alpe Adria Cham­pion­ship,” said Paweł Górka. “This coming week­end, we are going to wit­ness fierce com­pe­ti­tion during the two races in Hun­gary mainly because there will be more than 40 con­te­stants on the start line. Pannonia-Ring is a tech­ni­cally dif­fi­cult track; howe­ver, I like it. When it is wet, it can be slip­pery in pla­ces, and it may rain this Satur­day so it may be inte­re­sting,” he added.

Górka, the Polish Alpine ski cham­pion in 2002–2003, star­ted his motor­cycle racing career with Super­moto races in which he came second in the Polish Cup in 2007. The next step was a change to a track racing bike on which he won the racing Polish Cup in 2008 and sub­se­qu­en­tly, he debu­ted in the Super­stock 1000 cate­gory in which he raced suc­cess­fully until the end of last year.

For more infor­ma­tion on Paweł Górka go to his offi­cial Face­book pro­file on: