The Nevelo 126 N tram is uni­que due to its pano­ra­mic wind­screen and a four bogies sup­port. For this vehicle, brand new bogies were desi­gned, in par­ti­cu­lar both motor and tra­iling bogies have their own inter­nal fra­mes fit­ted with

  • typi­cal wheel and axle sets with rims and rub­ber stop­pers which pro­vide high levels of ride com­fort and redu­ced noise levels;
  • a swing bol­ster atta­ched to the bogie frame thro­ugh a set of metal and rub­ber springs;
  • indi­vi­dual drive to each axle pro­vi­ded by an inde­pen­dent power unit, each con­si­sting of an asyn­chro­nous trac­tion motor and an inter­sec­ting axis gear with fle­xi­ble coupling suspen­ded on the bogie frame
  • modern active and pas­sive electro-hydraulic disc brakes.

Ope­ra­ting and main­te­nance costs

Using four pivo­ting bogies with large-size bearings allo­wed for a signi­fi­cant reduc­tion in ope­ra­ting  and main­te­nance costs of both the vehicle and the infra­struc­ture.  The bogie arran­ge­ment mini­mi­ses the axle load on the rails, which signi­fi­can­tly redu­ces wheel and rail wear.

The modern drive sys­tem with asyn­chro­nous trac­tion engi­nes and elec­tro­nic con­trols ensu­res the tram’s smo­oth start and energy reco­very to the over­head sys­tem while bra­king. The vehicle is equ­ip­ped with a modern on-board dia­gno­stic system.

Vehicle fronts have in-built ele­ments absor­bing energy cre­ated in the event of col­li­sions and crashes.

Pas­sen­ger space:

  • modern, com­for­ta­ble interior,
  • 100% low-floor,
  • air-conditioned inte­rior,
  • pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion system,
  • moni­to­ring system,
  • elec­tri­cally ope­ra­ted ramp for the disabled,
  • dedi­ca­ted space for wheelchairs,
  • sli­ding plug exte­rior doors allo­wing for fast and conve­nient pas­sen­ger boar­ding and de-boarding at tram stops, equ­ip­ped with two inde­pen­dent mecha­ni­sms pre­ven­ting pas­sen­gers being entrap­ped by the door.

Driver’s cab:

  • pano­ra­mic windscreen,
  • air-conditioning inde­pen­dent fror the pas­sen­ger compartment,
  • modern inte­rior – addi­tio­nal ame­ni­ties: mini-fridge and a locker,
  • ergo­no­mic driver’s con­trol panel.