

The 19WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit is the first  NEWAG-manufactured elec­tric pas­sen­ger train. The 19WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit is an undi­vi­ded, four-section vehicle equ­ip­ped with a full inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem, air con­di­tio­ning and modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem and  tic­ket dispen­sers among others. The inte­rior was adap­ted to trans­port pas­sen­gers in whe­el­cha­irs. It has a whe­el­chair lift, wide aisles and space dedi­ca­ted for wheelchairs/bicycles. The vehicle uses modern bogies desi­gned and built espe­cially for this type of vehicle. The 70RSNa and 70RST bogies have a two-stage sprin­ging which damps vibra­tion effec­ti­vely, thus pro­vi­ding high com­fort of tra­vel­ling.

Depen­ding on the clients’ needs, the 19WE is pro­du­ced in the four or six-section ver­sion (20WE). Due to various possi­bi­li­ties of the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment lay­out, this train can be used both in sub­ur­ban and long-distance service. For long-distance service, toilets with her­me­ti­cally sealed reten­tion tanks, adap­ted for the disa­bled are provided.

Per­for­mance characteristics:

  • Vehicle desi­gned to han­dle urban pas­sen­ger transit;
  • able to tra­vel at spe­eds of up to160 km/h;
  • attrac­tive, aero­dy­na­mic body shape;
  • low, level­led floor ena­bling easy boar­ding and de-boarding and move­ment inside the vehicle;
  • enhan­ced com­fort of tra­vel­ling due to modern whe­els and ste­ering system;
  • automatically-controlled air con­di­tio­ning and heating system.


  • opti­mum trac­tion cha­rac­te­ri­stics thanks to appli­ca­tion of 8 three-phase asyn­chro­nous engi­nes, instal­led in the front and rear cars;
  • two-stage trac­tion trans­mis­sion with hol­low shaft and fle­xi­ble axle coupling;
  • indi­vi­dual inver­ter drive moun­ted on every ste­ering bogie.

Pas­sen­ger compartment:

  • open coach vehicle (seats and fixtu­res depen­ding on the car purpose);
  • ple­asant and func­tio­nal interior;
  • vandal-proof seats;
  • modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem (loud­spe­aker sys­tem and elec­tric desti­na­tion displays);
  • vehicle inte­rior moni­to­ring system;
  • built-in air-conditioning;
  • pla­ces for the disabled;
  • whe­el­chair lift.

Driver’s cab:

  • modern and ergo­no­mic interior;
  • air-conditioned work­place;
  • com­for­ta­ble driver’s seat plus an addi­tio­nal seat for the assistant.