
NEWAG’s contribution to the history of Metro Warszawskie

Today marks 20 years since Line 1 of Metro War­szaw­skie [ War­saw Metro] was laun­ched and nearly a month since Line 2 of War­saw Metro was ope­ned. The cen­tral sec­tion ope­ra­ting since March 8, 2015, is servi­ced exc­lu­si­vely by INSPIRO tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by the Con­sor­tium Sie­mens AG – NEWAG S.A.

Under the agre­ement signed in 2011, the Con­sor­tium manu­fac­tu­red a total of thirty-five modern, six-car metro tra­ins to service both Line 2 and Line 1 of War­saw Metro. Twenty-five out of these tra­ins were assem­bled at NEWAG in Nowy Sącz. The first com­plete train left for War­saw on April 29, 2014.