
NEWAG to produce 20 electric locomotives for PKP IC

Today, Kra­jowa Izba Odwo­ław­cza [Natio­nal Appe­als Cham­ber] dismis­sed in full an appeal to the results of the public ten­der for the sup­ply of 20 elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves for PKP IC, thus making it possi­ble to sign a con­tract between NEWAG SA and  PKP IC.

Remin­ding, on 29 Decem­ber, 2017, the results of the ten­der for the sup­ply of 20 brand-new elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves and their main­te­nance were anno­un­ced. The bid sub­mit­ted by NEWAG which sco­red 93.46 points had been selec­ted as the best.

The most impor­tant fac­tors con­tri­bu­ting to the gran­ting of the con­tract was the deadline for sup­ply­ing the locos (maxi­mum 30 mon­ths since pla­cing an order), locos ava­ila­ble speed  (160 km/h), the  price and  fees char­ged for main­te­nance. Ano­ther cru­cial cri­te­rion was rol­ling stock ava­ila­bi­lity at 95% per quar­ter. PKP IC empha­si­zed that a win­ning sup­plier would be obli­ga­ted to pro­vide main­te­nance at stage 2, 3 and 4 and pro­vi­ding neces­sary tech­no­lo­gi­cal faci­li­ties. The order con­ta­ined an option for addi­tio­nal 10 vehicles.

The order is part of a rol­ling stock moder­ni­za­tion plan sche­du­led for 2016–2020. The cost of imple­men­ting the total inve­st­ment plan will amo­unt to PLN 2.5 bil­lion. Twenty new elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves  will ena­ble to use the moder­ni­sed rail­way lines in a more effec­tive way allo­wing tra­ins to tra­vel with a speed of 160 km/h. So far, these rail­way lines have been servi­ced by slo­wer tra­ins which have fil­led in a gap in an insuf­fi­cient num­ber of elec­tric tra­ins but had an adverse effect on the time of travelling.