
NEWAG to deliver another IMPULS trains for Koleje Dolnośląskie

Today a new con­tract was signed between Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie S.A. and Newag S.A. at the Main Train Sta­tion in Wrocław.

The cere­mony was atten­ded by Cezary Przy­byl­ski, Mar­shal of Dol­no­ślą­skie Pro­vince, Jerzy Micha­lak, Board Mem­ber of the Dol­no­ślą­skie Pro­vince, Piotr Rachwal­ski, Pre­si­dent of Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The signed con­tract guaran­tees a deli­very of 11 five-unit 45WE tra­ins. The gross value of the con­tract is PLN 266.5 mil­lion. The tra­ins will start ope­ra­ting on Dol­no­ślą­skie routes by the end of 2017.

Elec­tric mul­ti­ple units from IMPULS family are low-floor tra­ins with spa­cious inte­rior equ­ip­ped with full inter­nal moni­to­ring, air-conditioning, state-of-the-art pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem, and if orde­red, tic­ket dispen­sers and tic­ket pun­chers. The inte­rior is adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with redu­ced mobi­lity featu­ring ramps, retrac­ta­ble steps, lifts, wide aisles and spe­cially desi­gna­ted areas for whe­el­cha­irs and bicycles.