
NEWAG supports sports

For years, NEWAG S.A. has been pro­mo­ting an  active life­style by sup­por­ting local sport ini­tia­ti­ves. The Com­pany is one of the two spon­sors of NARCIARNIA  Sports Club which ope­ra­tes in Nowy Sącz.

NARCIARNIA Sports Club was foun­ded in 2009. It was a bra­in­child of Woj­ciech Wysow­ski, who is now the head of youth tra­ining as well as the coach of the oldest group.  He inspi­red a group of win­ter sports fans with his pas­sion. Zbi­gniew Konie­czek served  as the first Pre­si­dent of the Club’s Board until 2012.

In the last six years, the club has tra­ined nearly 70 mem­bers who ran­ked high in the Natio­nal Youn­ger Junior Cham­pion­ship, Poland’s Cup, and the Mało­pol­ska Ski League. The best con­te­stants repre­sen­ted Poland during the Children’s World Cham­pion­ship and  in other inter­na­tio­nal con­te­sts orga­ni­zed by FIS.

Nar­ciar­nia Sports Club has been ran­ked high in both the gene­ral ran­king of the Poland’s Cup and in the League of the Mało­pol­ska District Ski Fede­ra­tion win­ning medal and near-medal positions.

On May 17, 2014, at Gali­cja Town Museum in Nowy Sącz, an offi­cial clo­sing cere­mony of the 2013/2014 win­ter season was held for the Mało­pol­ska Branch of the District Ski Fede­ra­tion. Nar­ciar­nia Sports Club, spon­so­red by Newag,  co-organized the event.

Awards were gran­ted to the best Alpine skiers who had par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the com­pe­ti­tions orga­ni­zed by the Mało­pol­ska District Ski Fede­ra­tion as well as the best cross-country skiers of the past season. The awar­ded spor­t­smen inc­lu­ded 27 cross-country skiers, 120 Alpine skiers as well as sports clubs and scho­ols. Nar­ciar­nia Sports Club came second in the gene­ral ran­king in the league of the Mało­pol­ska District Ski Association.

The cere­mony was atten­ded by repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Polish Mini­stry of Sport and Tourism, Poviats’ Sta­ro­stes, Vice Mayor of Nowy Sącz, Regio­nal Chief Edu­ca­tion Offi­cer, Pre­si­dent of the Polish Ski Fede­ra­tion as well as repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the city  and region’s schools.