
NEWAG S.A. to manufacture trains for SKM Trójmiasto

Today, SKM Trój­mia­sto anno­un­ced the results of the public ten­der for sup­ply of two brand-new Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs). The Orde­ring Party anno­un­ced that NEWAG S.A. sub­mit­ted the best offer which was gran­ted 1 point more than the bid sub­mit­ted by PESA.

The cri­te­ria for gran­ting the con­tract con­sti­tu­ted of the price (80%) and the floor height (20%). Apart from NEWAG’s bid, ano­ther one was sub­mit­ted by Pesa from Byd­goszcz. Both com­pa­nies sub­mit­ted bids offe­ring the floor height, i.e., 960 mm above rail­head, which rece­ived the highest num­ber of points.

Newag pri­ced the manu­fac­tu­ring of two of its ‘Impuls’ EMUs at PLN 35 571 600 gross, whe­reas Pesa pri­ced their offer at PLN 36 039 000 gross.

Accor­ding to the ten­der spe­ci­fi­ca­tions, the tra­ins sho­uld be max. 90m long, have seating capa­city of 144 and stan­ding capa­city of 359 (allo­wing 5 stan­ding pas­sen­gers per 1 squ­are metre). Each unit must have four doors. Newag offe­red to SKM Trój­mie­ście modi­fied tra­ins from its ‘Impuls’ series with the floor height at 960 mm, adap­ted to the plat­form height of the train ope­ra­tor. SKM orde­red also a retrac­ta­ble step to cover the gap between the train and the platform.

‘Impuls’ EMUs manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. are one of the most modern rail vehic­les of this type in Poland. They ensure pas­sen­gers’ com­fort of tra­vel­ling due to their quiet, air-conditioned inte­riors, ergo­no­mic seats, Inter­net access and elec­tric soc­kets. ‘Impuls’ tra­ins are eco­no­mi­cal and safe: they have low elec­tri­city con­sump­tion thanks to energy recu­pe­ra­tion to over­head lines during bra­king. The tra­ins are fit­ted with a modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem using visual and sound infor­ma­tion, inte­rior moni­to­ring and the inter­com to ena­ble con­tact with the train crew. The train com­plies with the strict Euro­pean cash– wor­thi­ness and pas­sive safety stan­dards. The tra­ins can tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/h.

The tra­ins will service the route between Wej­he­rowo and a new stop at Gdańsk Śródmieście.

They will start servi­cing the route in the second quar­ter of 2016.