
NEWAG S.A. awarded the Forbes Diamond 2015

FORBES mon­thly again awar­ded NEWAG S.A. with its Dia­mond. The com­pany came third in the ran­king of big com­pa­nies of Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince and twen­tieth in Poland. The ran­king com­pri­sed com­pa­nies which in 2014 posted the highest ave­rage annual value growth and which reached the sales reve­nue levels of at least PLN 5 million.  

The ran­king was pre­pa­red by Bisnode Pol­ska– a busi­ness intel­li­gence agency. The finan­cial data used in the ran­king came from offi­cial infor­ma­tion filed by com­pa­nies  with the KRS — Natio­nal Court Regi­ster in 2014. On the basis of this data, Bisnode Poland pre­pa­red a list of com­pa­nies which were rated as cre­di­ble i.e., these that are  pro­fi­ta­ble (on the bases of EBIT and ROA), have high cur­rent cash-flow figure and do not have out­stan­ding lia­bi­li­ties. Com­pa­nies that met all these cri­te­ria also had to report a posi­tive finan­cial result and the equ­ity value. Addi­tio­nally, the sour­ces for the finan­cial results obta­ined by the win­ners were chec­ked in order to exc­lude com­pa­nies where a sud­den incre­ase in value was con­tri­bu­ted to one-time extra­or­di­nary incidents.


NEWAG S.A is a modern com­pany with its history dating back to 1876. As one of the oldest rail­way com­pa­nies in Poland it has an exten­sive expe­rience in manu­fac­tu­ring of elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves and rol­ling stock, trams and sub­way trains.

The company’s pro­duc­tion faci­lity loca­ted in Nowy Sącz focu­ses on manu­fac­tu­ring elec­tric and die­sel mul­ti­ple units (EMUs & DMUs), moder­ni­sing pas­sen­ger car­ria­ges and die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves whe­reas NEWAG Gli­wice S.A., a dau­gh­ter com­pany, focu­ses on manu­fac­tu­ring and moder­ni­zing elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves. It is in Gli­wice where the cutting-edge Dra­gon and Grif­fin loco­mo­tive fami­lies are produced.

The com­pany has a strong and sta­ble posi­tion in the mar­ket of loco­mo­tive manu­fac­tu­rers in Poland. In recent years, NEWAG S.A. capi­tal group has domi­na­ted the Polish mar­ket in manu­fac­tu­ring and moder­ni­sing die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves and in manu­fac­tu­ring elec­tric mul­ti­ple units.

NEWAG S.A. is the first cho­ice part­ner to inter­na­tio­nal con­cerns such as GE, Sie­mens AG, Sta­dler AG and Bom­bar­dier.
Newag, toge­ther with Sie­mens imple­men­ted a of PLN 1.07 bil­lion con­tract for deli­very of sub­way tra­ins for War­saw Metro and cur­ren­tly, toge­ther with Sta­dler, it is imple­men­ting a con­tract for the deli­very and main­te­nance of 20 EMUs for PKP Inter­city – the con­tract value exce­eds PLN 1.6 bil­lion.
In Decem­ber 2013, NEWAG signed a con­tract for deli­very of die­sel mul­ti­ple units to Italy, thus laun­ching its inter­na­tio­nal expansion.

NEWAG S.A. holds the PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 cer­ti­fi­cate con­fir­ming that it intro­du­ced and imple­ments the modern quality con­trol sys­tem and the IRIS rev.02.1 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, pro­ving that the com­pany has imple­men­ted the inter­na­tio­nal rail­way indu­stry standards.

More infor­ma­tion on the For­bes Dia­monds 2015