
NEWAG S.A. awarded “Investor of the Year”

Awards are not only the crow­ning of some idea, under­ta­king, achie­ve­ments and actions but they also pro­vide moti­va­tion to work, and are goal­po­sts for the fur­ther, good direc­tion, said Hen­ryk Słomka– Naro­żań­ski, Vice Mayor of Tarnów.

During the 7th Inve­st­ment Forum in Tar­nów, the “Inve­stor of the Year” and  “the Inve­st­ment of the Year” awards were offi­cially gran­ted by the Forum Policy Council.

“The Inve­st­ment of the Year” award went to the Sile­sian Museum in Kato­wice and the “Inve­stor of the Year” award went to NEWAG S.A.

The Forum Policy Coun­cil justi­fied their cho­ice by empha­si­zing that NEWAG  is one of the two big­gest Polish com­pa­nies which manu­fac­ture, moder­nize and repair rol­ling stock. NEWAG-manufactured tra­ins carry pas­sen­gers in many regions of Poland. The Com­pany star­ted its expan­sion on inter­na­tio­nal mar­kets suc­cess­fully com­pe­ting with world-famous pro­du­cers. The story of NEWAG exem­pli­fies the great poten­tial of Polish industry.

Wie­sław Piwo­war, NEWAG’s Vice Pre­si­dent, while accep­ting the award from the hands of Janusz Lewan­dow­ski, Euro­pean MP, stres­sed that the award with which the Forum Policy Coun­cil hono­ured the com­pany, its work­force, mana­gers and the board of direc­tors pro­vi­ded a strong incen­tive to work har­der and  deve­lop the com­pany further.