
NEWAG– manufactured trains will transport passengers in Italy

On Decem­ber 3, 2013,  at the Mini­stry of Infra­struc­ture and Trans­por­ta­tion of the Repu­blic of Italy, CEO of NEWAG S.A. signed a deed of amend­ment to the  first inter­na­tio­nal fra­me­work agre­ement for manu­fac­tu­ring and sup­ply of die­sel mul­ti­ple units (DMUs).

– NEWAG’s inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion con­sti­tu­tes one of the major stra­te­gic goals for the coming years.  The agre­ement signed with the Ita­lian part­ners has mar­ked the begin­ning of the imple­men­ta­tion of  our plan,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, CEO of NEWAG S.A.

The rail buses that will be manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. for the Ita­lian client are modern vehic­les fit­ted with  die­sel engi­nes and elec­tric al trans­mis­sion. Cutting-edge power and suspen­sion sys­tems will result in  noise insu­la­tion of the pas­sen­ger cabin in accor­dance with the Client’s requirements.

The inte­rior lay­out will make it possi­ble to ope­rate the DMUs for both urban and sub­ur­ban pas­sen­ger transit. Easily– con­fi­gu­red seating plans will lead to the opti­mi­sa­tion of pas­sen­ger capa­city. The mini­mum num­ber of seats is 100 and it can be incre­ased depen­ding on the carrier’s needs.

The DMUs will be fully air-conditioned and acces­si­ble to pas­sen­gers  with impa­ired mobi­lity. Each car will be fit­ted with  toilets with her­me­ti­cally sealed reten­tion tanks, adap­ted to the needs of the disa­bled. To ensure pas­sen­ger safety, the DMUs will be equ­ip­ped with the moni­to­ring sys­tem.  Other featu­res inc­lude the pas­sen­ger coun­ting sys­tem, the GPS and smoke detec­tors com­bi­ned with the fire alarm. The driver’s cab will be fit­ted with  the audio bro­ad­ca­sting sys­tem ena­bling com­mu­ni­ca­tion with passengers.

The DMUs will tra­vel  with the speed of up to 100km/h and will be able to ope­rate in mul­ti­ple traction.

The DMUs will be manu­fac­tu­red in Nowy Sącz. Their body and inte­rior will be desi­gned  by Ita­lian designers.

The deed of amend­ment to the fra­me­work agre­ement and  the first exe­cu­tory con­tract was signed by Vir­gi­nio Di Giam­bat­ti­sta, Mana­ging Direc­tor of the Regio­nal Public Trans­port and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, CEO of NEWAG S.A.  The maxi­mum net value of the amen­ded fra­me­work agre­ement amo­unts to EUR 40 mil­lion. The net value of the first exe­cu­tory con­tract pro­vi­ding for the sup­ply of four DMUs is EUR 14,760,000.00.

– We are very happy to have signed this con­tract. Thanks to  NEWAG the rol­ling stock in Sicily will be moder­ni­sed, which will  signi­fi­can­tly improve pas­sen­ger transit on the island, said Vir­gi­nio Di Giam­bat­ti­sta, Mana­ging Direc­tor of the Regio­nal Public Transport.

The deadline for the deli­very of the object of the first exe­cu­tory con­tract  is 18 mon­ths since signing the work com­men­ce­ment report, thus, the first four vehic­les sho­uld tra­vel on Ita­lian rail­way tracks in twenty mon­ths’ time.

Within four years, the Gene­ral Direc­to­rate of the Local Public Trans­port–  the Govern­ment Board of Fer­ro­via Cir­cu­met­nea  (FCE) with its regi­ste­red seat in Cata­nia can order more vehic­les under sepa­ra­tely signed con­tracts for their deli­very. The fra­me­work agre­ement sti­pu­la­tes for the sup­ply of ten DMUs.