
NEWAG finalizes the contract with NCBiR

On May 5, 2016, NEWAG S.A. signed a con­tract with Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań i Roz­woju (NCBiR– Natio­nal Cen­tre for Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment) under which NCBiR will co-finance a pro­ject imple­men­ted by NEWAG S.A. cal­led “ The first worl­dwide family of auto­no­mous, con­fi­gu­ra­ble bi-modal rail vehic­les for servi­cing cross-region, regio­nal and urban pas­sen­ger trans­port com­pliant with Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions of Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity TSI.”

The maxi­mum amo­unt of the co– finan­cing from NCBiR will be PLN 15,415,421.34 whe­reas the total pro­ject cost will be PLN 38,538,553.35.

The hybrid vehicle to be manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. will con­sist of a tree-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit powe­red by a 3 kV DC clas­sic power sys­tem from the over­head line as well as a power module con­nec­ted with a Schar­fen­berg coupler. The coupled module will be fit­ted with motors powe­ring the gene­ra­tor set. The power gene­ra­ted by the gene­ra­tor set will be sent to the EMU and will power trac­tion motors moun­ted on power bogies. Depen­ding on the client’s needs, the die­sel power module will be fit­ted with a driver’s cab and an auxi­liary driver’s con­sole at the rear end or only with auxi­liary driver’s con­so­les. The power module with the driver’s cab will pro­vide full func­tio­na­lity in dri­ving the con­fi­gu­ra­ble rail vehicle in pas­sen­ger trans­port, thus ena­bling to ope­rate the vehicle on rever­si­ble routes without the need to switch the power module at ter­mi­nal stations.

An addi­tio­nal advan­tage of the auto­no­mous power module as com­pa­red with a typi­cal hybrid solu­tion– EDMU where a power module con­sti­tu­tes a part of the rail vehicle will be redu­ced mass, which will have an impact on cut­ting ope­ra­ting costs. The vehicle will feature a modern elec­tric power sys­tem and a con­trol sys­tem opti­mi­zing energy con­sump­tion, a power recu­pe­ra­ting and sto­rage sys­tem to store and reuse the power gene­ra­ted while bra­king for fur­ther operations.

Depen­ding on a spe­ci­fi­ca­tion needed by the ope­ra­tor, the con­fi­gu­ra­ble rail vehicle will have seating capa­city of approx. 170, whe­reas its stan­ding capa­city will be 160. The power module sta­tic strength will be PII cate­gory accor­ding to EN-PN 12663 and it will meet C1 crash sce­na­rio accor­ding to EN-PN 15227.

The vehicle will com­ply with TSI LOC&PAS, TSI NOI, TSI SRT, TSI PRM and TSI CCS.

The deadline for the pro­ject imple­men­ta­tion is 30.04.2018.

NEWAG finalizes the contract with NCBiR