
New record set on Polish railway tracks

After two years, NEWAG S.A. broke its own speed record. NEWAG-manufactured train tra­vel­led with a speed of 226km/h along the CMK — Cen­tral Rail Line between Psary and Góra Wło­dow­ska. The IMPULS 45WE manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie is the fastest rail vehicle desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in Poland.

The suc­cess can be attri­bu­ted to the team of young engi­ne­ers (their ave­rage age is 31 years) from the Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment Depart­ment at NEWAG S.A. in Nowy Sącz.

“From the design point of view, the train which is being tested today featu­res tech­ni­cal solu­tions equ­iva­lent to those used in tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by world’s leading rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rers,” said Mariusz Ber­naś, Head of the R&D Depart­ment. “The IMPULS family of rail vehic­les repre­sents a group of tra­ins desi­gna­ted for ope­ra­tion on regio­nal and inter-regional routes and pro­vi­des a spring­bo­ard for desi­gning high speed tra­ins, a reali­stic equ­iva­lent to Pen­do­lino,” he added.

During the test, para­me­ters of the main com­po­nents such as bogies (run­ning gear), the power trans­mis­sion sys­tem, the bra­king sys­tem and the pan­to­graph – over­head con­tract line inte­rac­tion were tested. The results obta­ined con­fir­med nume­ri­cal simu­la­tions per­for­med earlier.

“The train wor­ked very well. It acce­le­ra­ted smo­othly to a speed of 220 plus and it could have run faster  if we had had appro­priate con­sent from Insty­tut Kolej­nic­twa [The Rail­way Insti­tute],” said Andrzej Mar­kow­ski, a train-driver — instruc­tor at Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie. “It sho­uld be stres­sed that this vehicle is very intu­itive to drive and it is sim­ple to ope­rate. I con­firm my col­le­agues’ opi­nions who have spo­ken very highly of this rail vehicle,” he added.

“All para­me­ters rela­ted to safety and speed sta­bi­lity are accor­ding to our expec­ta­tions and none of the para­me­ters has exce­eded allo­wed values, leaving a large safety mar­gin,” sta­ted Grze­gorz Wysocki from the Rail­way Institute.

The IMPULS– type train meets all the latest requ­ire­ments and the­re­fore ensu­res safety, relia­bi­lity and low ope­ra­tion costs. High com­fort and safety level while tra­vel­ling at a speed of 200km/h are pro­vi­ded thanks to the use of bogies desi­gned in com­pliance with the latest TSI LOC & PASS requ­ire­ments as well as with rele­vant standards.

This is the first Polish rail vehicle which meets the latest restric­tive EU direc­ti­ves intro­du­ced in 2014.

“We are proud to say that we are among leaders of Euro­pean rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rers. IMPULS 45WE manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie is the only rail vehicle in Poland fully com­pliant with the TSI and one of the few tra­ins in Europe which meets the latest EU requ­ire­ments,” said Maciej Duczyń­ski, Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Board of NEWAG S.A. “It pro­ves that our team of young desi­gners, if we rece­ive such an order, will be able to design a high quality high speed train,” he added.