
Modern and economical — NEWAG is building a new train

A new Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Unit (EMU) is being desi­gned at NEWAG in Nowy Sącz. Com­mis­sio­ned by War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­dowa  [WKD — War­saw Com­mu­ter Rail], the new six-car vehicle will be cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a uni­que design, func­tio­na­lity and cutting-edge design solutions.

The new train attracts atten­tion with its futu­ri­stic appe­arance dra­wing on the latest design trends. The design for the 39WE EMU has been inspi­red by the city’s modern archi­tec­ture. It is domi­na­ted by geo­me­tric forms com­bi­ned with smo­oth sur­fa­ces of both train inte­riors and exterior.

Thanks to a big wind­screen at the train front, the vehicle has acqu­ired a modern shape, a refe­rence to the city’s dyna­mic nature, also ensu­ring  excel­lent visi­bi­lity for the dri­ver in spe­ci­fic ope­ra­tio­nal con­di­tions of the WKD. The front display and the top headli­ght are visu­ally stre­am­li­ned with the wind­screen. The rema­ining part of the train front is enc­lo­sed by the covers of mas­sive shock absor­bers which resem­ble skids and cre­ate an impres­sion as if the whole train was moving above the ground.

The design of the 39WE also reflects its func­tio­na­lity. Many doors on each side of the train will faci­li­tate boar­ding and de-boarding. Spa­cious vesti­bu­les, with a sty­li­stic refe­rence to the train front, pro­vide com­for­ta­ble pas­sage to pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobi­lity, parents pushing strol­lers and cyclists.

The ele­gant inte­rior colour scheme com­bi­nes sha­des of white and gra­phite with con­tra­sting navy blue seats. Ceiling lamps and trapezoid-shaped air-conditioning vents attract the eye.

The desi­gners have focu­sed on safety. The lay­out of the driver’s cab is sub­or­di­na­ted to the driver’s work ergo­no­mics. A specially-designed con­trol panel pla­ced aro­und the driver’s seat makes it possi­ble for the dri­ver to notice objects pla­ced at a short distance from the vehicle front. Addi­tio­nally, an inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem with an event recor­der ensure pas­sen­gers’ safety while travelling.

The desi­gners have used inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gi­cal solu­tions while desi­gning the train for WKD, inc­lu­ding the con­struc­tion of the train body and imple­men­ting methods of noise reduc­tion to the environment.

The six-car, 60 metre train will con­sist of two open-space parts com­pri­sing three cars each. Its total pas­sen­ger capa­city will be 505, inc­lu­ding 164 seating capa­city. It will be equ­ip­ped with an inte­gra­ted pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem featu­ring exter­nal LED displays and inter­nal LCD moni­tors. The whole pas­sen­ger space will be air-conditioned with a win­dow lay­out ena­bling free air exchange thro­ughout the train and a pas­sen­ger coun­ting system.

The 39WE tra­ins will tra­vel on the WKD tracks with a speed of 80km/h. They will start servi­cing the routes of the War­saw Com­mu­ter Rail in 2016.