
Griffin Locomotives to be manufactured in Croatia

Croatia’s Đuro Đako­vić Spe­ci­jalna vozila, one of the com­pa­nies making up Đuro Đako­vić Hol­ding, and Poland’s loco­mo­tive buil­der Newag have signed a coope­ra­tion agre­ement on the joint manu­fac­tu­ring of the four-axle one-system elec­tric loco­mo­tive, type E4ACU. The agre­ement defi­nes per­ma­nent and mul­tiy­ear coope­ra­tion on trans­fer­ring highly sophi­sti­ca­ted tech­no­logy, sha­ring expe­rien­ces and know-how as regards manu­fac­tu­ring glo­bally com­pe­ti­tive elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves. This will be the first time these loco­mo­ti­ves will be manu­fac­tu­red in Sla­von­ski Brod.

With their coope­ra­tion Đuro Đako­vić and Newag, the two EU-based com­pa­nies, have shown a long-term com­mit­ment to joint manu­fac­tu­ring and sales of loco­mo­ti­ves in the glo­bal mar­kets with the aim of making the mar­ket of the Repu­blic of Cro­atia the trig­ger and start of the cooperation.

“The imple­men­ta­tion of the coope­ra­tion with the renow­ned Polish firm Newag guaran­tees mutual bene­fits for the two coun­tries’ eco­no­mies. This is a huge feat for both Cro­atia and Đuro Đako­vić seeing as the loco­mo­tive will to return to Sla­von­ski Brod after 23 years, while for the first time ever we will have the oppor­tu­nity build elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves in Đuro Đako­vić. Thanks to this agre­ement, highly sophi­sti­ca­ted know-how, which Cro­atia lacks at the moment, will come to the coun­try, while we will be able to sell the loco­mo­ti­ves manu­fac­tu­red in Cro­atia in both EU and non-EU mar­kets. I am ple­ased to see that Đuro Đako­vić, a com­pany with pre­war expe­rience in manu­fac­tu­ring die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves and cur­rent buil­der of fre­ight wagons, among other things, has been reco­gni­zed as a valu­able part­ner with the kno­whow and exper­tise to imple­ment this deman­ding tech­no­logy. Having in mind HŽ Cargo’s need for loco­mo­ti­ves, we hope that toge­ther, with good-quality pro­ducts, com­pe­ti­tive pri­ces and a pac­kage of addi­tio­nal bene­fits, we will win HŽ Cargo’s trust in a com­pe­ti­tive game”, Pre­si­dent of Đuro Đaković’s Mana­ge­ment Board Vla­di­mir Kova­če­vić explained.

The E4ACU elec­tric loco­mo­tive is inten­ded for pul­ling fre­ight wagons of up to 3200t at spe­eds of up to 160 km/h and pas­sen­ger wagons at spe­eds of up to 200 km/h. It is cha­rac­te­ri­zed, among other, by the highest level of secu­rity, sub­stan­tia­lity and an intel­li­gent energy mana­ge­ment sys­tem. The E4ACU loco­mo­tive was the highest rated loco­mo­tive at the 2012 INNOTRANS Inter­na­tio­nal Trade Fair in Berlin.

Grif­fin is a plat­form of elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves which have been spe­cially deve­lo­ped for the Euro­pean mar­kets. As a result, Grif­fin is a tech­no­lo­gi­cally advan­ced, mul­ti­sys­tem loco­mo­tive which can poten­tially be ope­ra­ted in most coun­tries of the old con­ti­nent. Fur­ther­more, Grif­fin loco­mo­ti­ves are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by world class ava­ila­bi­lity and relia­bi­lity coef­fi­cients, as well as opti­mi­zed explo­ita­tion costs. All the more I am very ple­ased that this loco­mo­tive will be pro­du­ced in the Cro­atian fac­to­ries in Đuro Đako­vić and am abso­lu­tely convin­ced that if HŻ Cargo acqu­ires these high tech loco­mo­ti­ves, the acqu­isi­tion will con­tri­bute to signi­fi­cant incre­ase of the effec­ti­vity of the Cro­atian rol­ling stock”, expla­ined NEWAG’s Gli­wice Pre­si­dent of the Board Bar­tosz Krzemiński.

Along­side joint manu­fac­tu­ring and trans­fer of advan­ced tech­no­logy and kno­whow as regards elec­tric loco­mo­tive manu­fac­tu­ring, Đuro Đako­vić will get the oppor­tu­nity to offer the manu­fac­tu­red loco­mo­ti­ves in the third mar­kets and Newag will offer Đuro Đaković’s fre­ight wagons in the Polish and other markets.

The agre­ement was signed on 28.05.2014 at the Mini­stry of Fore­ign and Euro­pean Affa­irs of Cro­atia in Zagreb  in the pre­sence of First Deputy Prime Mini­ster and Mini­ster of Fore­ign and Euro­pean Affa­irs of Cro­atia  Vesna Pusić and Deputy Prime Mini­ster and Mini­ster of Infra­struc­ture and Deve­lop­ment of Poland  Elż­bieta Bień­kow­ska. On behalf of NEWAG Gli­wice  the agre­ement was signed by Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, Pre­si­dent of the Board and Maciej Duczyński, Vice Pre­si­dent of the Board and Tech­ni­cal Director. Đuro Đako­vić was repre­sen­ted by Bar­tol Jer­ko­wić,  Gene­ral Mana­ger and  Darko Grabac, Executive Director.