
Góral and Trzy Korony

These are the names of the first two ‘Impuls’ tra­ins pur­cha­sed by the Self-government of the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince.
On Thurs­day, Novem­ber 11, 2014, at the Kra­ków Cen­tral Rail­way sta­tion, there was an offi­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of the modern rol­ling stock which will improve the com­fort of tra­vel­ling both within the Pro­vince and on inter-provincial routes.
The new tra­ins are air-conditioned, adap­ted to needs of the disa­bled, equ­ip­ped with modern sys­tems of pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion and moni­to­ring and have a WiFi access.

The Self-government of the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince have imple­men­ted and sup­por­ted key actions and inve­st­ments in trans­port, said Marek Sowa, Mar­shal of Mało­pol­ska. We want touri­sts to feel safe, to know that they can count on rail­way con­nec­tions and that tra­vel­ling by train they will reach their desti­na­tions on time, tra­vel­ling fast, safely and com­for­ta­bly.

He also added that Koleje Mało­pol­skie – a newly-established com­pany con­sti­tu­ted an impor­tant ele­ment in deve­lo­ping a high trans­port poten­tial of the region.

The tra­ins pre­sen­ted at the Cen­tral Sta­tion rece­ived their names. The first two were cal­led ‘Góral’ [High­lan­der] and ‘Trzy Korony’ [Three Crowns — the name of the highest peak in the Pie­niny moun­tain range loca­ted in the Mało­pol­ska region].
The names were sug­ge­sted and cho­sen by readers of Gazeta Kra­kow­ska.
In Sep­tem­ber this year, the Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska toge­ther with Gazeta Kra­kow­ska anno­un­ced a con­test as a result of which readers selec­ted names for 16 modern elec­tric mul­ti­ple units.

The con­test pro­ved to be extre­mely popu­lar. Seve­ral hun­dred sug­ge­stions were sub­mit­ted at the first stage – they refer­red to the tra­di­tion, cul­ture, history, out­stan­ding local people and pla­ces loca­ted thro­ughout the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince. The con­test jury, due to the great num­ber of sug­ge­stions, selec­ted 20 sug­ge­sted names for six inter-regional tra­ins ope­ra­ting within the pro­vince and out­side Mało­pol­ska as well as 30 sug­ge­sted names for ten tra­ins ope­ra­ting only in the ter­ri­tory of Mało­pol­ska, which were then again put to vote. Out of this num­ber, Inter­net users and readers of Gazeta Kra­kow­ska selec­ted sixteen names which will be given to the tra­ins. The total of 77 375 votes were cast on the names selec­ted by the jury at the second stage of the con­test.
The names selec­ted for the six ‘Impuls’ tra­ins which will ope­rate on the inter-regional routes inc­lude
— Gali­cja
– Jagiełło
– Krak
– Pod­ha­lań­czyk
– Trzy Korony
– Góral