
First Polish IMPULS trains in Italy

On Decem­ber 10, 2015,  the first fra­me­work agre­ement and the first exe­cu­tive con­tract were signed between FERROVIE DEL SUD EST E SERVIZI AUTOMOBILISTICI s.r.l.- “FSE”,  with regi­ste­red office in Bari, Italy and NEWAG S.A.

Under the con­tract, NEWAG Capi­tal Group will deli­ver to the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity five three-unit IMPULS II elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs)  within 12 mon­ths since signing the con­tract.  EMUs from Impuls family, manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG are cutting-edge rail vehic­les of this kind manu­fac­tu­red in Poland. Due to the fact that the tra­ins are TSI com­pliant, they offer tra­vel­ling com­fort and safety both to pas­sen­gers and train drivers.

Impuls II tra­ins will be the first elec­tric mul­ti­ple units in Western Europe pro­du­ced by a Polish manu­fac­tu­rer of rail vehicles.

“It will be a true Polish train, with a Polish heart. All major sub­as­sem­blies, inc­lu­ding elec­tric and power sys­tems as well as  con­trol sys­tem will be manu­fac­tu­red in War­saw and in Nowy Sącz,” empha­si­sed Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, NEWAG’s CEO.

Under the fra­me­work agre­ement which will be in force for five years since it was conc­lu­ded, FSE can order up to 15 EMUs. The total  net value of the orders  made under the fra­me­work agre­ement may reach a maxi­mum of EUR 60 525 000 ( the equ­iva­lent of PLN 262 920 600.00 PLN accor­ding to today’s ave­rage NBP exchange rate), whe­reas the exe­cu­tive con­tract amo­unts to EUR 20 175 000.00 net (the equ­iva­lent of PLN 87 640 200.00 accor­ding to today’s ave­rage NBP exchange rate ).

The new tra­ins will be ope­ra­ted by the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity since Decem­ber 2016.

This is ano­ther Newag’s con­tract for the deli­very of tra­ins to Italy. At pre­sent, the Polish manu­fac­tu­rer is imple­men­ting a con­tract for the deli­very of four narrow-gauge die­sel mul­ti­ple units for FCE to service the route aro­und Etna in Sicily.