
First five-car IMPULS trains hit the railway tracks

Each of the twe­lve modern 45WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple units has a seating capa­city of 206 in an open coach floor lay­out and stan­ding capa­city of 325. Today, these tra­ins will start ope­ra­ting on War­szawa –Skier­nie­wice route. In Novem­ber this year, all the EMUs manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG will join the fleet of Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie.

The pur­chase of IMPULS tra­ins means enhan­ced tra­vel­ling com­fort for pas­sen­gers who, for nearly two years, expe­rien­ced most of the dif­fi­cul­ties rela­ted to infra­struc­ture moder­ni­za­tion. Seve­ral ame­ni­ties are pro­vi­ded to pas­sen­gers such as air-conditioning, Wi-Fi access, power soc­kets, a pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem and the inter­com. Addi­tio­nal space will also be ava­ila­ble for over­si­zed luggage.

“Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie have always cared for their pas­sen­gers and still do eve­ry­thing to ensure the highest stan­dard of tra­vel­ling. The new tra­ins are the first five-car vehic­les in Poland. Besi­des, they are modern and equ­ip­ped with all ame­ni­ties for pas­sen­gers. It is nice to see that the Com­pany — Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie are deve­lo­ping. I expect pas­sen­gers will also appre­ciate it,” empha­si­zed Adam Stru­zik, Mar­shal of Mazo­wiec­kie Province.

“The pur­chase of the elec­tric mul­ti­ple units is a key con­tract for us due to always incre­asing pas­sen­gers’ needs, in par­ti­cu­lar on high traf­fic routes like the route from War­szawa to Skier­nie­wice. Our Company’s mis­sion is to pro­vide high stan­dard rail trans­por­ta­tion. I believe that this pur­chase pro­ves that Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie con­si­sten­tly imple­ment this mis­sion and the quality of their servi­ces is incre­asing all the time. I would like to point out that this is not the only big pur­chase: New double-decker cars will join our train fleet in a few mon­ths’ time,” said Cze­sław Sulima, mem­ber of the Mana­ge­ment Board, Ope­ra­tions Direc­tor of Koleje Mazowieckie.

As usual, empha­sis was pla­ced on adap­ting the tra­ins to the needs of disa­bled pas­sen­gers, the­re­fore, apart from spe­cial spa­ces desi­gna­ted for wheelchair-bound pas­sen­gers, the tra­ins are equ­ip­ped with devi­ces faci­li­ta­ting train boar­ding and toilets adap­ted for the use of the disa­bled. The tra­ins are also equ­ip­ped with baby-changing stations.

“IMPULS tra­ins which we are being han­ded over today are the first tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red in Poland which are fully com­pliant with TSI – Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity, meeting the latest, strict laws in force in the Euro­pean Union,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board of NEWAG S.A. “Quality, atten­tion to com­fort and safety of both pas­sen­gers and train crews are of highest prio­rity to NEWAG,” he added.

The tra­ins will be able to tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/h. The con­tract for pro­cu­re­ment of IMPULS tra­ins was signed on 28 Novem­ber 2014. The con­tract gross value amo­un­ted to PLN 257 million.