
Cutting-edge IMPULS trains manufactured by NEWAG for Małopolska

On 28 Novem­ber 2016, Newag S.A. offi­cially han­ded over six tra­ins from IMULS family to  the Pro­vince of Małopolska.

The cere­mony, taking place at the Main Train Sta­tion in Nowy Sącz, was atten­ded by repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Mar­shal Office of the Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska, Tar­nów Bishop Rev.  Andrzej Jeż, repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the local autho­ri­ties and the Mana­ge­ment Board of NEWAG S.A.

The elec­tric mul­ti­ple units han­ded over today are four IMPULS 45WE tra­ins con­si­sting of five units and two IMPULS 31WE EMUs con­si­sting of four units. They were manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. for the Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska under the con­tract signed on 30th March this year for the deli­very of twe­lve rail vehic­les. Accor­ding to the con­tract, NEWAG will deli­ver the rema­ining six tra­ins until 15th Febru­ary 2017 and it will pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive main­te­nance and war­ranty service. The autho­ri­ties of Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince exer­ci­sed the right of option and orde­red an addi­tio­nal EMU. The total value of the orde­red rol­ling stock inc­lu­ding the option exce­eds PLN 304 mil­lion gross.

“The order for Mało­pol­ska is a prio­rity and key order for us. We are very proud that cutting-edge IMPULS tra­ins made in Nowy Sącz, fully com­pliant with TSI will be car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers in Mało­pol­ska as early as in Decem­ber this year,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of Newag S.A. “These tra­ins are equ­ip­ped with the ECTS level 2 which thro­ugh the GPS module ensu­res com­mu­ni­ca­tion of on-board equ­ip­ment with the infra­struc­ture loca­ted at the rail line,” added Zbi­gniew Konieczek.

Leszek Zegzda, Mem­ber of the Board of the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince, empha­si­zed “We do eve­ry­thing to convince pas­sen­gers to start tra­vel­ling by train again. We will prove that rail trans­port can be fast, com­for­ta­ble, punc­tual and com­pe­ti­tive as far as tic­ket pri­ces are con­cer­ned. These featu­res cha­rac­te­rise Koleje Mało­pol­skie which are suc­cess­fully taking over servi­cing next lines in the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince,” he added and stres­sed that Koleje Mało­pol­skie,  the pro­vin­cial train ope­ra­tor, has alre­ady attrac­ted a gro­wing num­ber of local resi­dents and tourist. “Koleje Mało­pol­skie car­ried the first mil­lion pas­sen­gers in nine mon­ths since they star­ted ope­ra­ting and as many as three mil­lion within 16 mon­ths. This num­ber may incre­ase to 6.5 mil­lion pas­sen­gers by the end of this year.”

Newag and Mało­pol­ska autho­ri­ties hope that the new rol­ling stock, com­pri­sing cutting-edge tra­ins which can tra­vel with a maxi­mum speed of 160km/h, will enco­urage big num­bers of  local resi­dents to use tra­ins  when tra­vel­ling between major Mało­pol­ska towns.

In order to prove that IMPULS tra­ins can com­pete with road trans­port, a spe­cial race between IMPULS 45 WE-014 and a race car dri­ven by a pro­fes­sio­nal racing dri­ver Michał Kościuszko was held. Newag’s IMPULS cove­red the Nowy Sącz – Kra­ków Cen­tral Sta­tion route in approx. 2.5 hours whe­reas the racing car (obse­rving  traf­fic rules) reached the cen­tre of Kra­ków  seve­ral minu­tes later.

It was cal­cu­la­ted that an ave­rage pas­sen­ger car with 2.0 engine, cove­ring the 100 km distance between Nowy Sącz and Kra­ków, uses approx. seven litres of petrol. Assu­ming the price of PB 95 is PLN 4.47 per 1 litre, the cost of a one-way trip will be PLN  31.29. The train tic­ket for the same route costs now PLN 14.00. The­re­fore, it seems that train jour­ney is not only more com­for­ta­ble but che­aper, too.

The hono­ura­ble guests and audience, who atten­ded the cere­mony in big num­bers, had an oppor­tu­nity to check them­se­lves how com­for­ta­ble and modern IMPULS tra­ins are, which will start car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers on Kra­ków – Tar­nów route in Decem­ber. These tra­ins are adap­ted to the needs of disa­bled pas­sen­gers (lifts, desi­gna­ted spa­ces for whe­el­cha­irs, toilets com­pliant with TSI PRM) as well as needs of pas­sen­gers tra­vel­ling with small chil­dren (chan­ging sta­tions) and cyclists

The newly-delivered tra­ins will have from 200 – 250 seats and ame­ni­ties such as air-conditioning, air-blow heating, pas­sen­ger com­part­ment moni­to­ring, bicycle racks, Wi-Fi, elec­tric soc­kets and tic­ket dispensers.