
Crash tests of ‘Impuls’ EMU driver’s cab

The goal of cash tests of the EMU driver’s cab was to vali­date cal­cu­la­tions and com­pu­ter simu­la­tions of its design cra­sh­wor­thi­ness in com­pliance with requ­ire­ments of the PN EN 15227 stan­dard.

The test results fully con­fir­med the structure’s com­pliance with the requ­ire­ments of the stan­dard.
The data from ten­so­me­tric sen­sors and acce­le­ro­me­ters obta­ined during the crash tests will be used in fur­ther R&D acti­vi­ties aiming at deve­lo­ping new desi­gns of rail vehic­les con­duc­ted by NEWAG S.A.
Watch the two crash tests con­duc­ted by Insty­tut Kolej­nic­twa [ The Rail­way Insti­tute] at the Test Track in Żmigród on 26th and 27th Novem­ber 2014.