
Beating the record we are raising a tower and ….hopes

NEWAG S.A. spon­so­red the Cha­rity Clim­bing Fest.

“It has never hap­pe­ned before. For two days, the clim­bing wall loca­ted in Nowy Sącz will be han­ded over to you and the sports hall loca­ted on Nad­brzeżna street will be the place where we are going to attempt to beat the Polish record in erec­ting a tower. We are going to use….. cra­tes instead of buil­ding blocks. We intend to build the big­gest num­ber of the highest towers. Why? Because with these towers and thanks to Newag, we are raising hopes of a young man who has been figh­ting his disa­bi­lity bra­vely. The towers will crum­ble but his hopes won’t.”

With these words the event orga­ni­zers enco­ura­ged resi­dents of Nowy Sącz to par­ti­ci­pate in the attempt to beat the Polish record in erec­ting towers. Eve­ry­body could have a go. It total, during the two days of the event the fest par­ti­ci­pants erec­ted towers con­si­sting of 5983 cra­tes and the Polish record in erec­ting towers was beaten by Jacek Jur­kow­ski, the leader of  Klub Wyso­ko­gór­ski [Clim­bers’ Club] in Nowy Sącz.

NEWAG offe­red 1 PLN for each cre­ate used by an adult in erec­ting a tower. Cra­tes used by chil­dren below seven years of age fet­ched the double price. In this way, chil­dren ‘ear­ned’ PLN 1656 for this cha­ri­ta­ble cause. The total amo­unt of PLN 6811 which was raised was  han­ded over to Artur,  sup­por­ted by Sur­sum Corda Asso­cia­tion, a mem­ber of the Clim­bers’ Club who survi­ved a dra­ma­tic acci­dent. He used to climb the highest moun­ta­ins but now he is wheelchair-bound. Howe­ver, modern methods of tre­at­ment and phy­sio­the­rapy can offer him a chance to restore his health.

Read more about Artur’s story at: