
7th edition of ‘Sądecka Dycha’ Street Run

Despite the ini­tially cold weather, the 7th “Sądecka Dycha” Street Run, which took place on 27th Sep­tem­ber 2015, attrac­ted as many as 338 run­ners. The majo­rity of con­te­stants to com­pete on the 10 km distance came from Poland but there were also some from Ukra­ine, Slo­va­kia, Hun­gary, Ethio­pia and Kenya. The youn­gest run­ner was 14 and the oldest 79 years old.

This year’s edi­tion of the event bro­ught sen­sa­tio­nal results. The domi­nance of run­ners from Afri­can coun­tries was discon­ti­nued. At approx.1:30 pm in warm sun­shine the first run­ner to cross the finish line on the Nowy Sącz Mar­ket Squ­are was Bog­dan Seme­no­wicz from Ukra­ine, repre­sen­ting Finisz– Kalisz Team, who cove­red the 10 km distance in 00:29:36. Szy­mon Kulka from Poland, repre­sen­ting 4Flex Sport Team, came very close second with 00:29:41. The third was Abel Kibet Rop from Kenya, from Bene­dek Team, with the result of 00:29:53. Ukra­inian repre­sen­ta­ti­ves were also the best in the women cate­gory: the win­ner was Valen­tyna Kiliar­ska, repre­sen­ting Che­mik Noxy Puławy, who cove­red the distance in 00:34:57, Juliya Igna­towa, also from Ukra­ine, came second with 00:35:04. The third place went to a run­ner from Ethio­pia, Emu­staw Mirose Sen­beta, from Bene­dek Team, with the result of 00:36:23.

In the NEWAG S.A. cate­gory, the win­ners were: Fran­ci­szek Dłu­gosz (his score was 00:37:26), Tomasz Hołyń­ski (00:41:44) and Mate­usz Kur­czab (00:48:17).

After the run, time came for distri­bu­ting awards for win­ners and dra­wing pri­zes among all race par­ti­ci­pants. The awards were offi­cially pre­sen­ted by Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A., Józef Micha­lik, Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger and Marian Ryżak, NEWAG’s employee who has been the orga­ni­ser of all the runs which took place so far.

Apart from NEWAG S.A., the main orga­ni­zer and foun­der of the awards, this year’s event was spon­so­red by P.H VOLPEX, RFWW RAWAG Sp. z o.o, ENTE sp. z o.o., Pla­stwag S.A. and Iguana-Gastro-Polska. Offi­cial media cove­rage was pro­vi­ded by Radio Kra­ków, Dobry Tygo­dnik Sądecki and Sądeczanin.

At the stage on the Nowy Sacz mar­ket squ­are, the band No Bro­thers bra­vely war­med up the audience who came to cheer the runners.

The orga­ni­sers wish to express their thanks to fire-fighter teams from Stary Sącz and Rytro, the Police and the Bor­der Guards, for their sup­port in orga­ni­sing the whole event.