
20 new trains for Sofia Metro

On 28.09.2015 in Sofia, Bul­ga­ria, a con­tract was signed between METROPOLITAN EAD and Con­sor­tium Siemens-Newag, con­si­sting of Sie­mens A.G. with regi­ste­red office in Vienna, Sie­mens EOOD with regi­ste­red office in Sofia and NEWAG S.A.
The Con­sor­tium will pro­vide 20 three-unit metro tra­ins and the traf­fic con­trol sys­tem within 36 mon­ths since signing the contract.

New tra­ins will be based on the INSPIRO plat­form i.e., the tra­ins deli­ve­red to War­saw Metro. They will have dif­fe­rent pan­to­graph moun­ting due to the fact that these tra­ins will tra­vel both in tun­nels and on the gro­und. Addi­tio­nally, the tra­ins will be air-conditioned.

The scope of work for NEWAG S.A. com­pri­ses the design and instal­la­tion of train inte­riors, train start-up at the company’s Nowy Sącz plant, the deli­very of the ready vehic­les to the Client as well as pro­vi­ding main­te­nance servi­ces during the guaran­tee period.

“Our share in manu­fac­tu­ring the vehic­les for the Bul­ga­rian capi­tal will be big­ger than in the case of tra­ins for War­saw Metro. We will have more respon­si­bi­lity for their design and equ­ip­ping. This is a very inte­re­sting order and an exam­ple of the fact that NEWAG is not afraid of new chal­len­ges,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The con­tract inc­lu­des an option for the Client to order addi­tio­nal 10 vehicles.

The contract’s net total value (cove­ring the infra­struc­ture deve­lop­ment with the train deli­very) inc­lu­ding the option (addi­tio­nal 10 tra­ins) amo­unts to BGN 418,304,632.56 (PLN 905,420,377.18 at the NBP rate as of the date the con­tract was signed).

An esti­ma­ted net value of the works in the scope of NEWAG, inc­lu­ding the option (addi­tio­nal 10 tra­ins), amo­unts to BGN 109,330,897 (PLN 236,646,726.56 at the NBP rate as of the date the con­tract was signed) out of which BGN 73,148,042 (PLN 158,328,936.91 at the NBP rate as of the date the con­tract was signed) net for the basic scope of the Con­tract (20 tra­ins) and BGN 36,182,855 (PLN 78,317,789.64 at the NBP rate as of the date the con­tract was signed) net in the case if the Client uses the option for the deli­very of addi­tio­nal 10 trains.

New tra­ins will start ope­ra­ting in 2018.