
10th edition of Sądecka Dycha Race for NEWAG Cup

The 10th jubilee edition of Sądecka Dycha street race is over. The runners covered the  distance of 10 km between Stary Sącz and Nowy Sącz for the 10th year running. This year, a record number of contestants, nearly 400, participated in the race, including a numerous group of more than 50 employees of NEWAG S.A. The runners praised the excellent weather and optimum temperature.

Final results: women open category:  Renata Pliś (Mara­ton) 00:34:52,  Kata­rzyna Albrycht 00:35:46 and Ewa Kuchar­ska (CA Aktywni) 00:37:52.

Men open category: Emil Dobro­wol­ski (LŁKS Pre­fbet Śnia­dowo) 00:30:33, Syl­we­ster Lepiarz (LKB Rud­nik) – 00:31:53 and Patryk Mar­mon (AZS AWF Kra­ków) – 00:32:32.

NEWAG – women category: Klau­dia Kole­go­wicz – 00:46:42, Syl­wia War­dęga –  00:47:04 and Patry­cja Kur­czab – 00:55:32. NEWAG Men category: Woj­ciech Tara­sek 00:36:28, Fran­ci­szek Dłu­gosz – 00:38:19 and Jacek Janus – 00:38:32.

Unexceptionally warm and sunny weather attracted lots of fans to come to the Market Square in Stary Sącz and they could watch the competition live on a large-scale LED screen.

After the race was finished, there was an official awards ceremony and prize-drawing held in Nowy Sącz. The awards were handed down by Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, President of NEWAG S.A., Józef Micha­lik, Deputy President of NEWAG S.A. and Marian Ryżak, NEWAG’s employee and the race coordinator and main organizer.

Apart from NEWAG S.A., which was the main sponsor of the prizes, the event was sponsored by: Med­com Sp. z o.o., RFWW RAWAG Sp. z o.o., Gra­met,  P.H. VOLPEX,
Kowal­stwo Paweł Obrzud, Meta­lex Sp. z o.o., Pla­stwag Sp. z o.o., Thermo King, IGUANA-GASTRO-POLSKA, GRAND Sp. z o.o.,  WAGO ELWAG Wro­cław and Almax. Media patrons included Gazeta Kra­kow­ska and Sąde­czanin website. The organizers would like to thank all the Sponsors for their support in organizing this event hoping for their collaboration in the next year’s race.

We would like to thank all the runners and the fans for their participation in the 10th Sądec­ka Dycha street race and we invite them to the next year’s edition of the event.


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