
The interior also matters! The presentation of FLIRT 3 interiors

Com­for­ta­ble seats, air-conditioning, a modern bar lounge — these are the stan­dards pro­vi­ded to pas­sen­gers by FLIRT 3 tra­ins. The Sta­dler– Newag Con­sor­tium and PKP-Intercity pre­sen­ted the inte­rior of the train which will be car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers star­ting in December.

Rich inte­riors will ensure high com­fort of tra­vel­ling. Pas­sen­gers will be able to cho­ose between first and second class com­part­ments and will have a bar lounge ava­ila­ble to them. The tra­ins will be fit­ted with ergo­no­mic seats, modern toilets and air-conditioning. There will be an elec­tric soc­ket fit­ted next to each seat. Tra­di­tio­nal infor­ma­tion boards will be repla­ced by elec­tro­nic moni­tors display­ing infor­ma­tion con­cer­ning the route. A modern Pas­sen­ger Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem will be also ava­ila­ble. The tra­ins will be adju­sted to the needs of disa­bled pas­sen­gers: they will be equ­ip­ped with spe­cial ramps ena­bling train boar­ding from each side. The new rol­ling stock will be able to tra­vel with a speed of up to 160km/h.

“The modern FLIRT 3 tra­ins con­sti­tute part of our pro­gramme, worth more than PLN 5 bil­lion, of repla­cing rol­ling stock. Thanks to this pro­gramme, the majo­rity of tra­ins will be new or moder­ni­sed,” said Jacek Leon­kie­wicz, Pre­si­dent of PKP Inter­city. “We are convin­ced that our inve­st­ment in enhan­cing com­fort of tra­vel­ling will enco­urage pas­sen­gers to cho­ose PKP Inter­city,” he added.

FLIRT 3 tra­ins will start ope­ra­ting in Decem­ber this year. They will service the routes: War­szawa — Byd­goszcz, Olsz­tyn — Kra­ków (via War­szawa and Kielce), Gdy­nia — Kato­wice (via Łódź and Byd­goszcz) and Kra­ków — Szcze­cin (via Łódź, Kutno and  Poznań).  Owing to the inve­st­ment in the infra­struc­ture by PKP PLK, tra­vel times on some routes servi­ced by FLIRT 3  will be impro­ved. The new time­ta­ble will bring a reduc­tion by 20 minu­tes of tra­vel times on the routes:  Kato­wice — Koluszki — Łódź, Szcze­cin — Poznań and Olsz­tyn – Warszawa.

The Con­sor­tium Stadler-NEWAG is manu­fac­tu­ring 20 modern Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units for PKP Inter­city. The pro­ject value is PLN 1 bil­lion 621 mil­lion. Apart from the sup­ply of the tra­ins, the con­tract also pro­vi­des for pro­vi­ding the train main­te­nance servi­ces for the next 15 years.