
The first subway tain on its way to Sofia

On June 25, the first sub­way train manu­fac­tu­red by the Sie­mens — NEWAG S.A. Con­sor­tium for Metro­po­li­tan EAD left NEWAG’s headqu­ar­ters in Nowy Sącz heading for Sofia – the capi­tal of Bulgaria.

Under the signed con­tract, the Con­sor­tium will deli­ver 20 three-section under­gro­und tra­ins and a traf­fic con­trol sys­tem within 36 mon­ths since signing the con­tract. The new tra­ins are based on Inspiro plat­form i.e., the same which was used in the tra­ins sup­plied for War­saw Metro. They will have some dif­fe­ren­ces, among other, they will have pan­to­gra­phs moun­ted  because these tra­ins will be dedi­ca­ted for ope­ra­tion both in tun­nels and on ground-level lines.

The vehicle is going to be trans­por­ted as spe­cial over­size cargo. This enta­ils, among other, that it must be trans­por­ted at night and in spe­cial convoy of other pilot cars in order to ensure the maxi­mum secu­rity while tra­vel­ling on public roads. Due to its  big size, the sub­way train has been divi­ded into modu­les which will be ship­ped on three sepa­rate lor­ries. Each module has been pro­perly pro­tec­ted for the dura­tion of the jour­ney. They will cover the route exce­eding 1100km via Slo­va­kia, Hun­gary, Ser­bia all the way to Bul­ga­ria. The sche­du­led trans­por­ta­tion time is five nights and the unlo­ading will start aro­und July 2, 2018.

The con­tract signed between METROPOLITAN EAD and Sie­mens — Newag Con­sor­tium, com­pri­sing Sie­mens A.G. with regi­ste­red office in Vienna, Sie­mens EOOD with regi­ste­red office in Sofia and NEWAG S.A., sti­pu­la­tes an option for an addi­tio­nal ten tra­ins. The total net value of the con­tract (cove­ring the infra­struc­ture deve­lop­ment and the sup­ply of sub­way tra­ins) inc­lu­ding the option (addi­tio­nal ten tra­ins) is BGN 418,304,632.56 (PLN 905,420,377.18 accor­ding to an ave­rage NBP exchange rate as of the date of signing the contract.)

The esti­ma­ted net value of the work desi­gna­ted for NEWAG (inc­lu­ding the option) is  BGN 109,330,897 (PLN 236,646,726.56 accor­ding to an ave­rage NBP exchange rate as of the date of signing the con­tract), of which BGN  73,148,042 (PLN 158,328,936.91 accor­ding to an ave­rage NBP exchange rate as of the date of signing the con­tract) net for the basic scope (20 tra­ins) and BGN 36,182,855 (PLN 78,317,789.64 accor­ding to an ave­rage NBP exchange rate as of the date of signing the con­tract) net if the client exer­ci­ses the right of option and orders ano­ther ten trains.

The new sub­way tra­ins will start ope­ra­tion in 2018.