
NEWAG S.A. awarded the Forbes Diamond 2014

For­bes mon­thly again gran­ted its pre­sti­gious Dia­mond awards to com­pa­nies which have achie­ved the lar­gest ave­rage incre­ase in value per year.

We are ple­ased to anno­unce that NEWAG S.A. was rated in the top of this year’s ran­king. NEWAG S.A. came second  (just behind Tau­ron Dys­try­bu­cja S.A.) in the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince and eigth in the country-wide ran­king.  Accor­ding to the For­bes’ ran­king, NEWAG S.A. is the most dyna­mi­cally deve­lo­ping rail company.

This distinc­tion is of great value since the com­pa­nies were ran­ked on the basis of their finan­cial reports sub­mit­ted to the KRS – Natio­nal Court Regi­ster. Addi­tio­nally, the sour­ces for the finan­cial results obta­ined by the win­ners were chec­ked in order to exc­lude com­pa­nies where a sud­den incre­ase in value was con­tri­bu­ted to one-time extra­or­di­nary incidents.

The metho­do­logy used in the com­pa­nies’ valu­ation and asses­sing their growth in value was pre­pa­red by Bisnode Pol­ska ana­ly­sts toge­ther with the For­bes edi­to­rial staff. The finan­cial data used for the ran­king come from the offi­cial infor­ma­tion made ava­ila­ble by com­pa­nies in com­pliance with Polish laws as well as from data col­lec­ted by the cre­dit infor­ma­tion agency.

Source:  Forbes

For more infor­ma­tion on the ran­king metho­do­logy go to:,artykuly,170479,1,1.html

Dia­menty For­bes 2014