
NEWAG Group’s profits on the rise

NEWAG Capi­tal Group repor­ted very good finan­cial per­for­mance in the first three quar­ters of 2014. The net pro­fit sky­roc­ke­ted by 363% and EBIDTA rose by 146% as com­pa­red with the same period of the pre­vious year. The per­for­mance of NEWAG Capi­tal Group as well as the per­for­mance of its domi­nant unit cor­re­spond to the Board’s expectations.

In the period from Janu­ary 1 to Sep­tem­ber 30, 2014, sales reve­nue amo­un­ted to PLN 709.4 mil­lion and was by PLN 288.3 mil­lion (+68,4%) higher as com­pa­red with the same period of last year.  The incre­ase in sales reve­nue was accom­pa­nied by a rise in gross sales pro­fit by PLN 70,6 mil­lion (+333,8%) as well as in the net pro­fit by PLN 56.9 milion (+365,4%). EBITDA amo­un­ted to PLN 121.1 mil­lion and was higher by PLN 71.9 mil­lion (+145,8%) on a year-to-year basis.

NEWAG’s net pro­fit reached PLN 71.4 mil­lion with the sales reve­nue at PLN 631.7 million.

The Group’s finan­cial per­for­mance is con­si­stent with the Board’s expec­ta­tions and ena­ble it to main­tain the fore­cast pro­jec­ted in its IPO pro­spec­tus which is reaching the sales reve­nue levels of PLN 919 mil­lion, net pro­fit of PLN 79 mil­lion, and EBITDA at the level of PLN 136.5 million.

No unu­sual or one-time fac­tors had an impact on the per­for­mance in the  period in question in 2014.

The order port­fo­lio is incre­asing. In the third quar­ter of 2014 alone, the Group signed con­tracts to the tune of PLN 120.5 mil­lion. More­over,  Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie have selec­ted an offer sub­mit­ted by NEWAG S.A.  to sup­ply twe­lve five-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units of the net value of PLN 209 mil­lion. It is expec­ted that the con­tract will have been signed by the end of this  year.