
NEWAG conquered the Crown of Polish Mountains

Kupala Night is an old Sla­vic feast rela­ted to the sum­mer sol­stice. Kupala Night also known as ‘Sobótka’ con­nects the astro­no­mi­cal first sum­mer day, which falls on June 21, and the calen­dar first sum­mer day on June 22. This is the shor­test night of the year when the sun sets at 9:02 pm.

And this exac­tly day was cho­sen by a group of more than 60 NEWAG employ­ees led by CEO Zbi­gniew Konie­czek and Deputy Pre­si­dent Bog­dan Borek to climb the Crown of Polish Moun­ta­ins before the night­fall. Divi­ded into teams con­si­sting of seve­ral people they set off along hiking tra­ils on June 21.

The Crown of Polish Moun­ta­ins is a list of 28 peaks one per each moun­tain range, star­ting from Tar­nica at the Polish – Ukra­inian bor­der to the Izer­skie Moun­ta­ins in  the Sudety with its highest peak — Wielka Kopa.

Twenty-eight teams equ­iva­lent to 28 peaks clim­bed seve­ral kilo­me­tre long stret­ches with the total ele­va­tion dif­fe­rence amo­un­ting to 30 tho­usand metres above sea level. The weather front pas­sing over Poland which bro­ught a change of the weather: storms, rains and tem­pe­ra­ture drop, is extre­mely dan­ge­rous when clim­bing in the moun­ta­ins due to sud­den weather chan­ges. Howe­ver, the dif­fi­cult weather did not disco­urage the clim­bers and at sun­set, 28 teams repor­ted at their respec­tive peaks accor­ding to the plan, thus win­ning the Crown of Polish Mountains.

The event was orga­ni­sed by Marian Ryżak, NEWAG’s employee and an ori­gi­na­tor of ‘Sądecka Dycha’ street run whose 10th edi­tion will take place on 30 Sep­tem­ber 2018.