
NEWAG Capital Group — Performance in first quarter of 2015

In the first quar­ter of 2015, NEWAG Group posted a 92.4% incre­ase in net pro­fit and a 52.5% incre­ase in sales reve­nue as com­pa­red with the same period last year.

The Group’s net pro­fit amo­un­ted to PLN 7.6 mil­lion and is 92.4% higher than last year (PLN 3.9 mil­lion in Q1 of 2014). As com­pa­red with the cor­re­spon­ding period last year, the sales reve­nue figure incre­ased by PLN 70.5 mil­lion (i.e., by 52.5%) and amo­un­ted to PLN 204.9 mil­lion (PLN 134.4 mil­lion in Q1 of 2014).
The sec­tor of manu­fac­tu­ring of elec­tric mul­ti­ple units had the big­gest impact on the Group’s performance.

The net pro­fit of NEWAG S.A. amo­un­ted to PLN 4.3 mil­lion with the sales reve­nue figure reaching PLN 203.4 mil­lion (PLN 100.6 mil­lion in Q1 in 2014). It is signi­fi­can­tly higher than the net pro­fit posted by the Com­pany in Q1 of 2014, which was PLN 235 thousand.

Aty­pi­cal and one-time fac­tors did not have a signi­fi­cant impact on the finan­cial results achie­ved in Q1 of 2015.

When con­si­de­ring the value of total debts (lia­bi­li­ties and rese­rves), a decre­ase to the level of PLN 595.7 mil­lion, i.e., by PLN 54.5 mil­lion. The figure of the long– and short-term debts was lower by PLN 134.9 mil­lion. Leasing fees (long-and short-term) incre­ased by PLN 31.8 million.

The Group has con­si­sten­tly expan­ded its order port­fo­lio. In Q1 of 2015, the Group signed con­tracts for servi­ces com­pri­sing manu­fac­tu­ring, moder­ni­sa­tion and repa­irs of rol­ling stock of the total value amo­un­ting to PLN 204.32 million.