
Koleje Małopolskie chose NEWAG’s Bid

On 18.02.2016 Woje­wódz­two Mało­pol­skie anno­un­ced at Biu­le­tyn Infor­ma­cji Publicz­nej [Public Infor­ma­tion Bul­le­tin] that the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity per­for­med the acts orde­red by Kra­jowa Izba Odwo­ław­cza –KIO [Natio­nal Board of Appeal] and Sąd Okrę­gowy [Regio­nal Court] in Kraków.

On Novem­ber 20, 2015 Kra­jowa Izba Odwo­ław­cza found that the bid sub­mit­ted by Pojazdy Szy­nowe Pesa Byd­goszcz con­ta­ined an abnor­mally low price and orde­red for it to be rejec­ted and NEWAG’s offer to be selec­ted as the most favo­ura­ble one.
On Febru­ary 12, 2016, Sąd Okrę­gowy in Kra­ków dismis­sed PESA’a appeal to the KIO’s deci­sion in its enti­rety, pro­vi­ding a valid and final clo­sure to the court pro­ce­edings con­cer­ning the public pro­cu­re­ment ten­der for the deli­very of tra­ins for Mało­pol­ska Province.

“We are ple­ased with the deci­sion of Sąd Okrę­gowy. The price offe­red in public pro­cu­re­ment ten­ders sho­uld not be the only, key cri­te­rion in selec­ting win­ning bids. Prio­ri­ties in public trans­port sho­uld con­cen­trate on train’s high quality and relia­bi­lity. Our tra­ins meet these cri­te­ria,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

Exe­cu­ting the above-stated deci­sions, the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity annul­led the cho­ice of the most fabo­ura­ble bid done on 26.10.2015 and selec­ted the bid sub­mit­ted by NEWAG S.A. as the most favo­ura­ble one.

The object of the public pro­cu­re­ment ten­der was the deli­very of twe­lve new elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (eight four-unit EMUs and four five-unit EMUs) inc­lu­ding com­pre­hen­sive guaran­tee and main­te­nance servi­ces. The ten­der also inc­lu­ded an option to pur­chase addi­tio­nal four tra­ins (two four-unit EMUs and two five-unit EMUs). PESA sub­mit­ted a bid con­ta­ining a gross price of approx. PLN 292.5 million.

NEWAG’s bid (cove­ring the deli­very of 12 EMUs with an option to deli­ver addi­tio­nal 4 tra­ins) amo­un­ted to PLN 374 mil­lion gross.


Koleje Małopolskie chose NEWAG’s Bid