
Four Provinces received modern IMPULS trains manufactured by NEWAG S.A.

Low-floor, air-conditioned with a WiFi– access – these are the new IMPULS 36WEa tra­ins which have been pur­cha­sed join­tly by four pro­vin­ces, namely Mało­pol­ska, Pod­kar­pa­cie, Sląsk and Świę­to­krzy­skie Pro­vince. On Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 3, 2014, they were shown for the first time at the Kry­nica rail­way sta­tion. The pre­sen­ted tra­ins will start  servi­cing  their routes as early as this autumn.

The four IMPULS 36WEa tra­ins, pre­sen­ted  during the Eco­no­mic Forum, con­sti­tute only some of the vehic­les pur­cha­sed by the Pro­vin­ces of Mało­pol­ska, Pod­kar­pa­cie, Śląskie and Świę­to­krzy­skie with the final num­ber  amo­un­ting to 19 tra­ins. Mało­pol­ska, Świę­to­krzy­skie and Śląsk have pur­cha­sed six vehic­les each and Pod­kar­pac­kie Pro­vince  has pur­cha­sed one.

These tra­ins have been pur­cha­sed thanks to the co-financing from the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Pro­gramme, they must service intra­re­gio­nal routes and they can­not ope­rate on routes within  indi­vi­dual pro­vin­ces,  said Marek Sowa, Mar­shal of Mało­pol­ska. Fol­lo­wing the for­mal accep­tance pro­ce­dure, the  tra­ins will be  han­ded over to be ope­ra­ted by Prze­wozy Regio­nalne com­pany. We expect to be able to fina­lise this by the end of the month, he added.

The total gross value of the order amo­un­ted to PLN 313.71 mil­lion (the EU co-funding amo­un­ted to 70% of the eli­gi­ble costs).

This inve­st­ment is  imple­men­ted within the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme 2007–2013, “The pur­chase  of rol­ling stock to service inter­pro­vin­cial con­nec­tions pro­vi­ded by the Pro­vin­ces: Mało­pol­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie, Śląskie and Świętokrzyskie.”

The  joint pur­chase of the tra­ins by local autho­ri­ties of pro­vin­ces shows that there is still a lot of to do with regards to coope­ra­tion between Polish regions. This shows  that  a lot more can be achie­ved at the same cost, said Miro­sław Sekuła, Mar­shal of Śląskie Province.

All the pur­cha­sed tra­ins  are three-unit, low-floor and air-conditioned EMUs, equ­ip­ped with the dyna­mic pas­sen­ger  infor­ma­tion sys­tem, the moni­to­ring sys­tem and a lift for pas­sen­gers with  impa­ired mobi­lity. Pas­sen­gers will have a Wi-Fi access and  dyna­mic  displays sho­wing time­ta­ble s and other rele­vant infor­ma­tion. The tra­ins’  capa­city will be 270 to 290 pas­sen­gers. IMPULS tra­ins will be tra­vel­ling with a maxi­mum speed of 160km/h.

Wła­dy­sław Ortyl, Mar­shal of Pod­kar­pac­kie Pro­vince, expres­sed his satis­fac­tion that NEWAG  with its IMPULS tra­ins  won the  ten­der for the  train deli­very  since his region  has alre­ady own such a train for a year and  it works very well.

The modern IMPULS tra­ins will service the routes: Kra­ków – Kozłów – Kielce – Ostro­wiec Świę­to­krzy­ski, Kra­ków – Tar­nów – Rze­szów, and Kra­ków – Kato­wice – Rybnik.

The con­tract for the deli­very of 19, three-unit Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs) was signed on 28 August, 2013. The first 10 tra­ins have just been han­ded over to the orde­ring par­ties and the rema­ining 9  EMUs will have been deli­ve­red to Połu­dniowa Grupa Zaku­powa [Southern Pro­cu­re­ment Group]  in 2015.