
First New IMPULS trains for SKM Trójmiasto

Com­for­ta­ble seats, air-conditioned inte­rior, modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem – these are the stan­dard faci­li­ties ava­ila­ble to pas­sen­gers tra­ve­ling on IMPULS tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG from Nowy Sącz.

The next stage of the imple­men­ta­tion of the con­tract for the deli­very of two  IMPULS 31 WE tra­ins for SKM Trój­mia­sto has been fina­li­zed. Today, pas­sen­gers can  see the tra­ins they will be tra­vel­ling on in 2016.

The colour scheme for the train inte­rior com­bi­nes ele­gant sha­des of grey and gra­phite with eye-catching turqu­oise seats.

The tra­ins will be equ­ip­ped with mobile, cash-free tic­ke­ting machi­nes. Retention-tank toilets will be adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity. Air-conditioned inte­rior, ergo­no­mic seats, Inter­net access, elec­tric soc­kets and desi­gna­ted space for trans­por­ting bicyc­les ensure tra­vel­ling com­fort. The tra­ins will also have a modern audio-visual pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem, an inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem and an inter­com allo­wing for pas­sen­gers’ con­tact with the train crew.

The IMPULS tra­ins, which will start ope­ra­ting in the second quar­ter of 2016, are four-unit tra­ins of 74 400 mm in length, with pas­sen­ger capa­city of 511 people inc­lu­ding 152 seating capa­city. Each unit will have 2 pairs of doors and the floor height will be adju­sted to the plat­form height of the SKM Trój­mia­sto (960 mm). An addi­tio­nal exten­da­ble step, brid­ging the gap between the train and the plat­form, will be mounted.

The tra­ins will meet strict Euro­pean cra­sh­wor­thi­ness and col­li­sion stan­dards. They will be able to tra­vel with an ope­ra­tio­nal speed of 160 km/h.