
DRAGON – highly reliable

Twe­lve mon­ths since DRAGON loco­mo­ti­ves star­ted ope­ra­ting, both com­pa­nies, NEWAG S.A. – the manu­fac­tu­rer and LOTOS Kolej, the buyer, boast excel­lent results.

During the last year, the loco­mo­ti­ves cove­red the distance exce­eding 850 tho­usand km  and their ave­rage relia­bi­lity ratio reached 99.3%. This is equ­iva­lent to the highest world rate. Such results achie­ved in the first year of ope­ra­tion mean that the manu­fac­tu­rer has mana­ged to avoid the so– cal­led “teething problems.”

“Since the con­tract for the serial loco­mo­tive deli­very was signed, we have focu­sed on  uncom­pro­mi­sed quality and highest stan­dards ava­ila­ble on the mar­ket. Orga­ni­za­tio­nal chan­ges in the fields of design, manu­fac­tu­ring and coope­ra­tion with sup­pliers, con­si­sten­tly imple­men­ted, have ena­bled us to reach this goal,” said Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, Vice Pre­si­dent of the Board of NEWAG S.A.. “Today’s satis­fac­tion of LOTOS and STK with the DRAGON loco­mo­tive is the best prize for us for all the efforts and moti­va­tes us to work further.”

LOTOS Kolej has been explo­iting the new Dra­gon loco­mo­ti­ves very effec­ti­vely, reaching an ave­rage mon­thly distance cove­red at 11400km. The ope­ra­tor has cre­ated spe­cial con­di­tions for opti­mi­zed  explo­ita­tion of Dra­gon loco­mo­ti­ves. They service a fixed route from Trój­mia­sto to the ter­mi­nal in Zduń­ska Wola Karsz­nice and the route to Julia­nów on which the loco­mo­ti­ves reach a speed of 100km/h when loaded and 120km/h unlo­aded, the result achie­ved by few Polish fre­ight car­riers. Con­se­qu­en­tly, they cover the route in 12 hours both ways whe­reas it used to take 32 hours a few years ago.

“We need to invest in rol­ling stock all the time in order to ensure dyna­mic growth for the whole Com­pany on a very com­pe­ti­tive mar­ket,” empha­si­zed Hen­ryk Gruca, Pre­si­dent of LOTS Kolej. “The E6ACT DRAGON loco­mo­tive has per­for­med well  at LOTOS Kolej fleet. This elec­tric loco­mo­tive has been desi­gned to ope­rate on Polish rail­way tracks. Thanks to  DRAGON we can haul heavy fre­ight tra­ins on long routes.”

DRA­GONs are the first elec­tric loco­mo­ti­ves desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in Poland in the last 26 years. They are six-axle loco­mo­ti­ves of 5MW power, adap­ted to pul­ling heavy fre­ight tra­ins exce­eding 4 tho­usand tonnes.Dragon loco­mo­ti­ves are power­ful, safe, and attractively-priced, and they are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by eco­nomy, high stan­dard inte­rior fur­ni­shings and, most impor­tan­tly, high relia­bi­lity. Depen­ding on clients’ needs, their modu­lar con­struc­tion ena­bles to install an addi­tio­nal Die­sel engine (“Dual Power” option) as well as to incre­ase ava­ila­ble trac­tive effort up to 450kN (“Max Load” option).

DRAGONS win­ning clients’ trust

Last month, Fre­igh­tli­ner PL orde­red five loco­mo­ti­ves from NEWAG, equ­ip­ped with the Dual Power — an addi­tio­nal die­sel engine of 520kW in power ena­bling to service custo­mers also on non-electrified end lines, and at sidings without a need for shun­ting loco­mo­ti­ves (the so-called ‘last mile’). >