
Award Granting Ceremony for Małopolska Leader 2013

Today, the win­ners of “The Best Mało­pol­ska Ven­tu­res  – Mało­pol­ska Leader 2013” were offi­cially gran­ted their awards in Kra­ków. NEWAG S.A. is among the winners.

The con­test Jury justi­fied its cho­ice of NEWAG S.A. by empha­si­sing “ its inno­va­tive rail trans­port solu­tions, the highest quality pro­ducts with the brand reco­gni­sed on the Euro­pean mar­kets and exem­plary coope­ra­tion with local self-government in sup­ply­ing the new gene­ra­tion rail vehic­les  – trams, rail buses and car­ria­ges.  The Nowy Sącz– based com­pany sup­plies tra­ins for War­saw Metro and its IMPULS — Elec­ti­cal Mul­ti­ple Unit, was the first  to  break the 200km/h speed record. The  modern NEVELO tram was  manu­fac­tu­red under the Ini­Tech pro­gramme co-financed by the Natio­nal Cen­tre for Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment. “

Zbi­giew Konie­czek, NEWAG’s CEO,  offi­cially accep­ted the award on behalf of NEWAG S.A.

The con­test, orga­ni­sed alre­ady for the 14th time by the Asso­cia­tion of Mało­pol­ska Gmi­nas and Poviats, was held under the auspi­ces of the Mar­shal of Mało­pol­ska, Marek Sowa.