
Contract for delivery of IMPULS II signed

Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna signed a con­tract with Newag S.A. for the deli­very of 14 tra­ins inc­lu­ding their main­te­nance. The train ope­ra­tor from Łódź is the first car­rier in Poland to rece­ive IMPULS II tra­ins — new gene­ra­tion EMUs. The tra­ins will ope­rate on new routes in the Łódzkie Pro­vince. The first tra­ins will be deli­ve­red in the fourth quar­ter of 2018.

The Nowy Sącz manu­fac­tu­rer offe­red a win­ning bid in the pro­ce­edings for “ The deli­very of elec­tric mul­ti­ple units inc­lu­ding their main­te­nance” within the pro­ject cal­led “ The Con­struc­tion of Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna [Łódź Metro­po­li­tan Train Service] – Stage II.” The car­rier has orde­red four­teen three-unit EMUs. The Sup­plier will also be respon­si­ble for pro­vi­ding main­te­nance servi­ces for the period of 12 years.

Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna –ŁKA,  as the first car­rier in Poland, will rece­ive the flag­ship pro­duct of the Nowy Sącz manu­fac­tu­rer in a new ver­sion. The main featu­res of IMPULS II will be its lower weight, big­ger capa­city and higher reliability.

In accor­dance with the ten­der docu­men­ta­tion, the tra­ins will feature free wi-fi, air-conditioning, elec­tric soc­kets and moni­tors. They will be adap­ted to the needs of disa­bled pas­sen­gers and com­pliant with the latest Euro­pean safety stan­dards. The tra­ins will tra­vel at an ope­ra­tio­nal speed of 160 km/h. Each train will have a seating capa­city of 160 inc­lu­ding 154 per­ma­nent seats.

Accor­ding to the deli­very sche­dule, the first four tra­ins will have been deli­ve­red by 28 Octo­ber 2018 with the rema­ining ten to be deli­ve­red a year later. The new tra­ins will ena­ble the car­rier to deve­lop the rail network servi­ced by the Łódź Metro­po­li­tan Train Service. The car­rier plans to launch new train servi­ces from Skier­nie­wice to Kutno via Łowicz, from Łodź to Piotr­ków Try­bu­nal­ski and Radom­sko and from Łódź to Toma­szów Mazo­wiecki, and after the elec­tri­fi­ca­tion of Line 25, also to Opoczno. The new tra­ins will also run on the pre­sent ŁKA routes to Skier­nie­wice, Sie­radz, Kutno, Łowicz with more fre­qu­ent servi­ces being introduced.

NEWAG – the sup­plier of the tra­ins was selec­ted based on four ten­der cri­te­ria: train price, main­te­nance costs, cost effi­ciency ratio and the num­ber of per­ma­nent seats. The gross value of the con­tract is PLN  266,968,762.35. Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna rece­ived a grant to the tune of PLN 182,010,500 from the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for the Łódzkie Pro­vince to imple­ment this project.

Before the con­tract was signed, the ten­der pro­ce­edings had been revie­wed by the Head of the Public Pro­cu­re­ment Office which did not raise any objec­tions per­ta­ining to the con­duct of the ten­der proceedings.