
IMPULS trains on Opole Province tracks

NEWAG S.A. from Nowy Sącz will pro­vide five elec­tric mul­ti­ple units orde­red by the regio­nal autho­ri­ties of Opole Pro­vince. They will ope­rate on the route between Kędzie­rzyn Koźle, Opole, Brzeg and Wro­cław. The first ‘IMPULS’ – as the newly-ordered tra­ins are cal­led, will appear on tracks in early July 2016.

Today, a con­tract for the sup­ply of five IMPULS elec­tric mul­ti­ple units with an option for two addi­tio­nal tra­ins was signed at the Mar­shal Office of Opole Pro­vince in Opole. These will be the first IMPULS tra­ins sup­plied by NEWAG S.A. to the Opole Province.

These elec­tric mul­ti­ple units are one of the most modern tra­ins of this type on the Polish mar­ket offe­red not only by Polish manu­fac­tu­rers. They have been adap­ted to tra­vel with a maxi­mum speed of 160km/h, and recen­tly, they have beaten the speed record reaching 226km/h. They will be fit­ted with cutting-edge drive and bra­king sys­tems, air-conditioning, modern audio-video pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem and a moni­to­ring sys­tem. The train seating capa­city will be 176 (pas­sen­ger seats fit­ted with AC 230V soc­kets) and pas­sen­gers will have free Wi-Fi. The tra­ins will be adju­sted to trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers with redu­ced mobi­lity and bicycles.

“The Pro­vince of Opole is the 11th pro­vince which has bought IMPULS elec­tric mul­ti­ple units. Our tra­ins are alre­ady tra­vel­ling on the majo­rity of routes in Poland,” said Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, Deputy Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A. “I do believe that the Opole local autho­ri­ties will be satis­fied with the cho­ice they have made. Our IMPULS tra­ins are safe, com­for­ta­ble for both pas­sen­gers and train crews, and most impor­tan­tly, they do not break down. Their relia­bi­lity rate exce­eds 99%,” he added.

Andrzej Buła, Pro­vince Mar­shal, empha­si­ses that the local autho­ri­ties have been sys­te­ma­ti­cally inve­sting in impro­ving tra­vel­ling con­di­tions in the region. “These modern tra­ins will be servi­cing the most popu­lar routes in the region and we hope that pas­sen­gers who will change into these cutting-edge tra­ins will feel the dif­fe­rence in tra­vel­ling con­di­tions,” he said.

The con­tract pro­vi­des for the sup­ply of five tra­ins until 31.01.2018 in its basic scope with an option for two addi­tio­nal tra­ins deli­ve­red until 10.12.2018. The con­tract value in the basic scope is PLN 51 300 000 net. The total value of the con­tract with NEWAG is PLN 71 820 000 net. The con­tract will be fun­ded from four sour­ces: the bud­get of Opol­skie Pro­vince, spe­ci­fic rese­rve in the State bud­get, the Rail­way Fund and the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for Opole Pro­vince for the years 2014–2020 which will pro­vide EUR 15.5 million.

Resi­dents of Opole Pro­vince will be able to tra­vel on the first three IMPULS tra­ins as early as next year. The last orde­red elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit will be deli­ve­red in Decem­ber 2018.

Con­si­de­ring that pas­sen­ger trans­port has been mostly imple­men­ted with the use of worn-out rol­ling stock which has been in ope­ra­tion on ave­rage for 35 years, the new rol­ling stock will signi­fi­can­tly improve tra­vel­ling com­fort and safety on the E –30 rail­way route between Kędzie­rzyn Koźle and Wro­cław, which has been moder­ni­sed by PKP Pol­skie Linie Kole­jowe S.A.